In this study, data was given about the Adventive species belonging to the Asteraceae Juss family, which were distributed in Andijan city Urban flora. During the conducted field research, were identified 42 species belonging to the Asteraceae family, which is considered a polymorphic family, and 6 of them are adventive plants.
Andijan city
urban flora
polymorphic family
adventive species

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How to Cite
Nodirbek M. Sidiqjanov, & Nasibakhon M. Noralieva. (2023). Adventive Species Belong to The Asteraceae Juss Family, Which Were Distributed in Andijan City Urban Flora. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 12, 28–31. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs/article/view/3230
- International plants names Index (www.ipni.org)
- The World Plants Catalog of Life (www.catalogueoflife.org), International Plants Names Index (www.ipni.org), The Plant List (www.theplantname.com)
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