Published: Oct 7, 2022

Awareness of COVID-19 Infection among Population of Salah Al-Din: A Cross-Sectional Study

1-6 Rashad Ahmed Khaleel

Study of the Role of Sex Steroids in the Nodulation of the Thyroid Gland and Uterus

7-8 Zamira Xalimova Yusufovna, Nilufar Ishankulova Feruzjanovna

Successful Treatment of Multiple Liver Abscesses on the Background of Diabetes Mellitus

9-11 Matmurotov K.J, Pulatov U.I, Khamdamov S.A, Yakhshibaev S.Sh, Yakubov I.Y

Study Of General Pharmacological Properties And Acute Toxicity Of Cistanche Mongolica Extract

12-14 Rakhimova Nigina Furkat kizi, Sanoev Zafar Isomiddinovich PhD, Mamatova Nodira Mukhtorovna

Influence of Regional Climatogeographic Conditions on The Distribution of Helmintoses in the Republic of Karakalpakstan

15-16 Daujanov.А, Tleumbetov.U

Research of Anticonvulsant Activity of Compound 5- (P-Aminophenyl) - 1,3,4-Oxadiazole-2-Thion

17-21 Sanoev Zafar Isomiddinovich, Rashidov Sokhib Zamon ugli, Raximboev Sukhrob Davlatyor ugli, Abdinazarov Ibrokhim Tuychievich, Khamroev Tolmas Tolibovich, Ismailova Dilnoza Safaralievna, Elmuradov Burkhon Juraevich.

Nutritional Support for Patients with Coronavirus Infection

22-30 G.T.Madjidova, G. I. Sunnatova, D.D. Khaydarova, T. F. Namozov

Features of Natriuretic Peptides in the Blood Plasma of Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

31-36 G.T.Madjidova, G.I.Sunnatova, N. Xamidov

Tactics of treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome


Screening Study of the Anxiolytic Activity of New Triazole Compounds

43-46 S.D. Rakhimboev, Z.I. Sanoev, S.Z. Rashidov, I.T. Abdinazarov, T.T. Khamroev, D.S. Ismailova, B.J.Elmuradov

Modern Cognitive Competence and its Relationship to the Creative Teaching Practices of Physical Education Teachers in Salah al-Din Governorate

47-51 Zeyad Salim Alqarani

Prevention of urinary stone diseases

52-53 Madaminov Muhammedvali Ikromjon O’g’li

Toxoplasmosis of pregnant women in Hawija district, Kirkuk governorate

54-57 Maysaa' Younis Ali

Evaluate of Cutibacterium acnes Distribution among Acne Vulgaris Patients

58-64 Avan Mohammed Kareem, Ahmed Abdul-Aziz Ahmed, Agharid. A. Al-Rasheed

Endoscopic role of problems in dentistry surgery: A review

65-71 Zainab A. H. Altamemi

Kidney Damage in Patients with Chronic Cardiac Insufficiency and Obesity

72-78 Shodikulova Gulandom Zikiryayevna, Mukhitdinova Gulshan Zohirovna, Ergashova Madina Muxtorovna, Saidov Sobir Bahromovich

Risk Factors for Kidney Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis

79-84 Yarmatov Suvon Totlibayevich, Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Gafforov Xudoyor Xudoyberdiyevich, Ergashova Ma’mura Toshtemirovna

Kidney Condition in Patients with Myocardial Infarction

85-90 Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Khaydarov Sanjar Nizamitdinovich, Makhmudova Khanuza Davranovna, Khaydarova Zarrina Erkinovna

Heart Lesions in Rheumatological Diseases

91-94 Khaydarov Sanjar Nizamitdinovich, Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Khaydarova Zarrina Erkinovna, Makhmudova Khanuza Davranovna

Painless Cardiac Ischemia in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis

95-98 Toirov Doston Rustamovich , Khusainova Munira Alisherovna , Uzokov Jurabek Baxtiyorovich, Mukhiddinov Madumar Abdurakhmonovich

Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperglycemia in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

99-103 Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Toirov Doston Rustamovich, Uzokov Jurabek Baxtiyorovich, Sayfulloyeva Marjona Sobirovna

Kidney dysfunction in chronic heart failure

104-109 Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Kobilova Nigina Akmalovna, Djabbarova Nafisa Mamasoliyevna

The role of rational nutrition in children of all ages with anemia

110-111 Egamova Zilolaxon Burxonovna

Involuntary Nighttime Urination. (Herbal Treatment)

112-114 Xaydarov M. , Imamova Yu.A.

Biochemical Changes in Blood in Rabbit Pasteurella’s

115-118 N.A. Nabieva, B.A. Elmurodov, U.B. Aktamov

Preventive Work on HIV Infection Among a Group of Minors

119-121 Khudaykulova Gulnara Karimovna, Mirkhamidova Sevara Mirmakhmudovna, Sadirhodjaeva Nilufar Saydullahodjaevna

Specificity of Medical Care Provided in Case of Poisoning

122-123 Gafurov Abduvoid Khuseinovich, Azimov Ilyosbek Qahramon o’g’li, Egamberdiyev Jasurbek Jumanazar o’g’li, Usmonov Odiljon Sidiqovich

Management of high anal Fistula by Kshar Sutra

124-131 Aliaa A. Abdulqadir M.B.Ch.B, MS, Mukul H Patel

The Effect of Speed, Agility, Quickness Exercises on Developing some Skill Abilities and Physical in Youth Handball Player

132-140 Naktal Muzahem Khaleel

The role of immune system dysfunction in the appearance of autism spectrum disorder

141-147 Ammar Ayed Khashan Al-Khalidi,, Prof. Dr. Buthainah Abbas Al-Azzawi

Oral Health Knowledge of Pregnant Women: A crosssectional study

148-154 Ihab Ahmed Rzaij, Diaa F. Jrood, Doaa Sami Rashash

Immunological study of candidiasis in women using intrauterine contraceptive devices in Erbil city

155-160 Roaa Muhmmed Yahya, Bashar Sadeq Noomi, Hiba younis Khalaf

Studying the Reality of Digital Culture as an Indicator of Classroom Management in Light of the Requirements of Quality Management of Handball Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

161-174 Dr. Omar Norri Abbas

Importance of medical prevention in medicine

175-176 Asfandiyorov Javodbek Mirzaali o’g’li, Xushvaqtov Ilyos Shodiqul o’g’li, Sultonmirzayev Xikmatillo Eminjon o’g’li, Norboyev Baxrom Aliqul o’g’li, Mardonov Mirzabek Begzod o’g’li

"Clinical Dentistry Effects of Covid 19"

177-178 Холбоева Н.А, Музаффаров А.Ш, Шафоатова Г.А, Носирова Г.Б