Texas Journal of Medical Science 2025-03-01T13:36:54+00:00 Steave Boson Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Texas Journal of Medical Science</strong> provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in Medical Sciences and allied field. </p> <p><strong>Frequency of Publication:</strong> Monthly</p> <p><strong>Acceptance Notification:</strong> 45 Days</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online):</strong> <a href="">2770-2936</a></p> <p><strong>doi Prefix:</strong> 10.62480</p> The Current State Of Diagnosis And Management Of Patients With Pelvic Organ Distension And Mixed Urinary Incontinence 2025-02-13T11:52:05+00:00 F.D. Karimova M.R. Botirova H.M. Saatova <p>Urinary incontinence in women remains one of the most complex and unresolved issues in urogynecology worldwide. Its prevalence increases with age, affecting approximately 25% of women aged 30 to 60 years and more than 50% of women over 60. Despite numerous proposed treatment methods, various theories explaining the causes of this condition, and specific treatment approaches, the problem remains unresolved. This issue significantly impacts nearly all aspects of life, severely complicates professional activities, limits social interactions, and disrupts harmony in family relationships.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Understanding the basics of electrotherapy, Glavnotherapy, Electrophoresis, Darsonvalization 2025-02-20T10:14:08+00:00 Scientific advisor: Sattarov Yorqin Karimovich Bekplatov Dilshod Bagrom ogli <p>The article discusses the methods of electrotherapy treatment with Glavnotherapy, Electrophoresis and Dorsonvalization in diseases such as neuralgia, vasculitis, diseases of the nervous system, rheumatism of the joints, neurasthenia.</p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rising Trend of Infertility Among young married women in South-South 2025-02-25T05:50:03+00:00 Gbaranor K. B Nnadi N. O Mube W. A Barinua-Gbaranor N. P Biralo P. K Saronee F Ogbonda N. P. Biibaloo L. L Ile V. I Mgbere M Okoiseh, O. S John E. E Etuk M. S Nwogu H., C Odimabo M <p>Infertility is a concern to every reproductive age woman and their well-wishers and it’s on the increase across Africa. This raises concern among married women and their husband and is more rampant among both young and old in marriage. The aim of this study is to evaluate Rising Trend of Infertility Among Married women in the South-South. This was a descriptive study involving 350 female of reproductive age who were within the age of 18 to 47 years. A well-structured questionnaire was administered to participants. Each participant had one questionnaire to fill appropriately and independently after instructions were given to them by the Research Assistants. The study lasted for a period of 3 months. Exclusion criteria were those women that are not married, and are not up to reproductive age. Inclusion criteria are women that have done their investigations. Data was analyzed with SPSS version 26 and P value &lt; 0.05 was considered significant. The results of the study shows that 42.9% of the respondents were within 28-32 years of age and 57.1% had tertiary education. The results revealed that 48.7% are business class, 71.4.7% are married, 71.4% yet to be pregnant, 42.9% have married between 2-4 years, 85.7% are been expecting baby, 71.3% do not have a child, 71.4% have breasts discharging milk, 90.0% had abortion, 77.1% have done investigations, and 87.5% of the participants were having infertility issues</p> 2025-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Antibodies To Insulin In Children With Diabetes Mellitus 2025-03-01T13:36:54+00:00 Shermatov Rasuljon Mamasiddikovich Sodikova Shakhlo Rakhmanovna Axunbekova Odina Mahmudjanovna <p>The levels of antibodies to insulin analysed in 58 children with diabetes mellitus with the help of enzyme immunoassay were found to be increasing with the disease duration and insulin dependence in the patients. The concentration of antibodies was found correlating with the frequency of viral infections in the anamnestic data of the children, and with the presence of microangiopathic, lipodystrophic and immunopathologic conditions</p> 2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025