

In the microbiology laboratory of the Veterinary Scientific Research Institute, 8 rabbits were divided into two groups. The first group (4 rabbits) was an experimental group, which was infected with experimental Pasteurella’s, and the second group, 4 rabbits in the control group, were not infected. From the 3rd day of the experiment, blood was collected from the auricle of all Pasteurella-infected and noninfected healthy rabbits, and blood biochemical indicators were studied. It was observed that the amount of keratin and urea increased, ALT μmol/l, AST μmol/l enzymes increased from the norm, and the decrease of Fe substance caused the decrease of the amount of hemoglobin in erythrocytes in the disease


Pasteurella’s rabbit koon cluster


How to Cite
N.A. Nabieva, B.A. Elmurodov, & U.B. Aktamov. (2022). Biochemical Changes in Blood in Rabbit Pasteurella’s. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 13, 115–118. https://doi.org/10.62480/tjms.2022.vol13.pp115-118


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