Published: Apr 7, 2023

Lung Vessel Morphological Structure

1-4 Mirsharapov U. M, Akhmedova S. M, Xudoyberganov B.E, Mansurova D.A

Changing Some Parameters of The Fetus Head

5-8 Akhmedova S. M, Mansurova D.A, Niyozov N.K, Nisanbaeva A.U

Morphological Assessment of Changes in the Macro- and Microvascular System of Lung Tissue in Diabetes Mellitus

9-12 Sobirova Dildora Ravshanovna, Usmanov Ravshanbek Djakhangirovich, Azizova Feruza Khusanovna, Pulatov Khabibulla Khayrullayevich, Tursunmetov Ibodulla Ruzibayevich, Umarova Zulfiya Khosilovna

Relation between iron deficiency anemia and Rheumatoid Arthritis

13-20 Dr. Khamis Y. C. Al-Qubaeissy, Dr. Ahmed Sh Muhialdin, Dr. Zainab N. Muhsin

Characteristics of Chemical Composition of Some Plants

21-23 Samadova Nozima Negmat kizi

Modern Methods of Histological Examination

24-30 Sobirova Dildora Ravshanovna, Azizova Feruza Khusanovna, Otajonova Aziza Nigmatullayevna, Surayyo Habibullayevna Ishandzhanova,, Tursunmetov Ibodulla Roziboyevich,, Makhmudova Shakhlo Ismatullayevna

Molecular-Genetic Mechanisms of the Development of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Children

31-34 Mallaev Sh.Sh, Sultanova N.S, Avezova G.S, Faiziev N.N

Brief History and Description of Some Sports

35-38 Ochilov Rufat Kukanovich

A Modern Approach to the Study and Analysis of Biochemical Parameters in Diabetic Foot Syndrome

39-47 Zokhirov Adkhamjon Rafiqovich, Tojiev Shakhzod Rustamovich, Olimova Gulasal Zokir qizi, Abdumalikova Saodat Ozod qizi, Khujamurodova Gulzora Pirmamat qizi, Ermaxamadova Ra‘no Elmurod qizi, Musoeva Mushtariybonu Zavqiddin qizi, Olimjonova Mukhlisakhon Bahodir qizi

Morphology of pterygium


Phraseology of French Literature

50-51 Atamirzayeva Maxliyo Xabibullayevna

Assessment of Otolaryngology Emergency Cases in Medical City Center

143-151 Muthana Naji Nadhem , Thamer Muhsin Al Rubaee

Arabic Language for the Indonesian Migrant Workers in Arabic Countries


Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in children

52-57 Karimdzhanov I.A, Iskanova G.Kh, Yusupova G.A, Israilova N.A

Study the variation in blood cell counts in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 infection

58-64 Zaid Duraid Idrees Al-Hamdani , Rojan G. AL-Allaff, Bashar Sadeq Noomi

Manifestations of Various Diseases and Changes in the Body in Children Suffering from Drug Allergy

65-70 Yomgurova Ozoda Rajabturdievna

Dynamics of Development of the Microvasculature and Tissue Structures of the Large Intestine in Case of Sequential Pesticide Poisoning

71-78 Khuzhabekov Akhrorjon Ubaydullaevich

Association of IFN-γ T/A +874 Gene Polymorphism with Type-1 diabetes mellitus in Iraqi Children

88-96 Hasanain Riyadh Al- Isawi, Faiza Safi, Hayder A. Muhammed

The impact of Covid 19 on the sinuses, with a logistical assessment to know the risk factors.

97-103 Dr. Saad Messer Jassem Aljanabi , Dr. Ahmed Sh Muhialdin, Dr. Bakr Mohammed Mahdi

The role of recreational activities in achieving mental motivation among students of the College of Basic Education in Maysan

104-112 Dr. Akram Hamid Karam

Morphological Aspects Of Hyalinomembrane Disease In Newborn Children

113-117 Mirzabekova O. A., Dadabaeva R. K.

The Significance of Local Intraoperative Hemostasis and Laser Influence in the Prevention and Treatment of Complications During Thyroid Surgery

118-126 Kasymov A.L, Mansurov Sh.Sh, Musashaikhov X.T, Khoshimov S.Z

Endometriosis and infertility

127-128 Tursunova Sitora Anvarovna, Saidjalilova Dilnoza Djavdatovna,

Prevention of rhesus immunization in the presence of a potential sensitizing factor

129-130 Nasirova Durdonakhan Yusupjonovna., Saidjalilova Dilnoza Djavdatovna

Association between serum uric acid level and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Iraqi women

131-138 Dr. KHAMIS Y. C. AL-QUBAEISSY, Dr. Muntaha Hamad Shlaka, Dr. Iman Jubair Mousa

Synthesis of Corrosion Inhibitors Based on ((1,2- Diphenylhydrazinyl)(3-Nitrophenyl))Methyl Phosphine Acid and its Properties

139-142 Anvarova Zarina, Nazarov Sayfulla, Razzakov Hasan, Xolov Anvar, Nurova Ruxshona