Published: Sep 10, 2023

Pragma-Rhetorical Study of Prince Harry's Secession Speech

1-10 Prof. Dr. Abbas Deygan Darweesh Al- Duleimi, Asst. Lect. Zahraa Hamid Obeid Hajwal

Exploring the Role of Literature in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom: Key Considerations

11-20 Inas Hisham Abdul Abbas

The Power of the Media to Influence Public Opinion by Setting the Agenda

21-28 Hasanen Abbas Kadhim

Transport Methods and Their Impact on the Growth of Residential Use in the City of Kufa

29-41 Helen Mohammed Abdel Hussein Al-Bdairi, Prof. Dr. Hussein Jaaz Nasser Al-Fatlawi, Muhammad Lotfi Zaki Ali

Civil legal interpretation of securing the fulfillment of an obligation using the neustoika (penalty) method

42-45 Rajabov Sherzodbek Ravshanbekovich

Violence In the Family: Social and Legal Problem

46-49 Uktamov Umidjon Shavkat o’g’li

The role of high-performance systems in achieving the quality of work life

50-63 Assistant Lecturer. Mohammed Hammadi Jaber AL-bakhati

Obstacles to teaching and learning mathematics scheduled for the intermediate stage from the point of view of teachers and students in Iraq

64-72 Assistant Lecturer. Luma Ali Ahmeed Al-Agaili

The Role of Museums in Promoting Cultural Awareness Survey Study of A Sample of Visitors to The Shrine Museums In The Holy City of Karbala

73-86 Taha Mahdi Mahmoud, Mustafa Abdel Samad Khayoun

Effect of dimensions talent management practices on the organization prestige-An Empirical Study in Zain Iraq Telecom Company

87-101 Nada Ismaeel Jabbouri Qammach, Mohanad Salam Jawad Al-juybrawi

The Importance of The Digital Economy in The Republic of Uzbekistan

102-103 Taniberdiev Mukhlisbek Mukhammadjon ugli

The Relation Between Vitamin D and Gut Microbiota: A Systematic Review

104-113 Mahmood Razzaq Mashar Askar

Assessing Academic Reading Skills and Pragmatic Competence in The Context of Higher-Level EFL Learning and Training

114-119 Marat Eshchanov Urazaliyevich

Pretreatment of Water for Industrial Boilers Purposes, Alexandria

120-133 Ahmed S. Abd Askar