

There is abundant evidence that the media significantly shapes public opinion and policy in a given country. People learn not only the facts about current events from the news but also the relative importance of specific issues by observing how much coverage they receive. The prominence of a story in a newspaper's front page layout, other front page displays, enormous headlines, etc., all indicate how important a story is that day. Salience can also be inferred from television news, including the lead-in story, time spent on the topic, etc. The significance of each issue is effectively communicated through the repetition of these cues across multiple days. The news media can direct the public's focus on the relatively few problems that ultimately shape public opinion.


ultimately media relatively shape


How to Cite
Hasanen Abbas Kadhim. (2023). The Power of the Media to Influence Public Opinion by Setting the Agenda. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 24, 21–28. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/4371


  1. Walter Lippmann, Public opinion. New York: Macmillan, 1922, p.29.
  2. Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw, The agenda-setting function of mass media, Public Opinion Quarterly, 36, 1972, 176-187.
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  11. Maxwell McCombs, Esteban Lopez-Escobar and Juan Pablo Llamas, Setting the agenda of attributes in the 1996 Spanish general election, Journal of Communication, 50 (2), 2000, 77-92.
  12. Lee Becker and Maxwell McCombs, The role of the press in determining voter
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  19. Eugene F. Shaw, ‘Agenda-setting and mass communication theory’, Gazette, 25, 2 (1979), p.101.
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  22. Iyengar and Kinder, News That Matters, p.63. Although the evidence reported in this book concerns only television news, the bracketed words “and the other news media” was inserted because there is substantial evidence that all the news media can prime judgments of public performance.
  23. A classic presentation of heuristic information processing is Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, ‘Availability: A heuristic for judging frequency and probability’, Cognitive Psychology, 5 (1973), pp.207-232.
  24. Iyengar and Kinder, News That Matters, Chapters 7-11.
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  27. Hans-Bernd Brosius and Hans Mathias Kepplinger, ‘Beyond agenda setting: The influence of partianship and television reporting on the electorate’s voting intentions’, Journalism Quarterly, 69 (1992), pp.893-901.
  28. Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Wolfgang Donsbach, Hans Bernd Brosius and Joachim
  29. Friedrich Staab, ‘Media tone and public opinion: A longitudinal study of media coverage and public opinion on Chancellor Kohl’, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 1 (1989), pp.326-342.
  30. Daron Shaw, ‘The impact of news media favorability and candidate events in
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  32. Deborah J. Blood and Peter C.B. Phillips, ‘Economic headline news on the agenda: New approaches to understanding causes and effects’ in Communication and Democracy, eds. McCombs, Shaw and Weaver, pp.97-114.
  33. Philadelphia Inquirer, December 27, 1996, pp.A1&18.
  34. New York Times, January 17, 1989, p.22.
  35. David Weaver, ‘Issue salience and public opinion: Are there consequences of agenda- setting?’, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 3 (1991), pp.53-68