Published: Sep 9, 2023

38th parallel: The confrontation between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea

1-2 Umurbaev Rustam Shakirjanovich

Analysis of the Impact of Vyurok's Various Speed Ratios On Thread Quality Indicators Used In Modified Assembly Mode

3-7 Raximberdiyev Mirzohid Raximberdi оʻgʻli, Fayzullayev Shavkat Raimovich

Organosilicon Polymer Compositions for Building Materials

8-12 a Rakhimov F.F

An Analysis of Performance in Free-Space Optical Communication Using Eight Wavelength Division Multiplexing

13-19 Zainab Mohammed Abdulkareem, Yaser Issam Hamodi , Sarmad Sami M.Ali , Saif Mohamed Baraa Al-Sabit

"SMART WATER" Is an Innovative Method of Water Measurement and Control

20-22 Qurbanov Marks Matqurbanovich, Xo`janiyozova Karomat Ulug'bek qizi, Sobirov Elmurod Rasul o’g’li

Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Auger Drum Pyrolysis Device

23-27 Toshmamatov Bobir, Kudratov Jonibek

Anodic Processing of Non-Ferrous and Precious Metal Alloys in The Chloride Solution

28-31 Professor A.Sh.Ziyadullayev