Published: May 11, 2023

Drying the waste generated by pressing apples using solar energy

1-3 Urayimjonov Asrorjon Ahadjon oʻgʻli., Axmedov Solmonxon Alisher oʻgʻli., Abdullayev Dilmurodjon Dilshodjon oʻgʻli

Comparative Characteristics of the Traditional Method in Preparing Cards for Edition and Using Computer Technologies

4-8 Minashkina N.A, Shchukina O.G.

Ga1-xAlxAs nanostructures grown on the GaAs Surface by Ion Implantation

9-13 Sodikjanov J.Sh.

Methodology for Applying Modern Tools in the Process of Training Future Engineers for Secondary Special and Professional Educational Institutions

14-16 Pardaboev Abdurahim

Research on methods of automatic control of constant pressure compressors

17-22 Dauletov Kalniyaz Abatbayevich, Kulmuratova Aliya Janabay qizi

Methodology for Modeling the Efficiency of the Implementation of Objects to Improve the Transport Network of Tashkent City

23-26 Axunov Javlon Abdujalilovich, Mamadaliyev Nurillo Ibroximjon o’g’li

Determination of Gas Pressure Distribution in a Pipeline Network Using the Broyden Method

27-31 Mamajonov Muxammadaziz Abdirashid o`g`li, Solijonov Shaxboz Mashrabjon o`g`li, Hamraqulov Hotambek Hakimjon o`g`li

Technologies of the chemical industry and the requirements for them

32-35 Tursunov Shovkat Talibovich , Rubidinov Shoxrux G‘ayratjon o‘g‘li, Anvarxoʻjayev Ramzullohxoʻja Buzrukxoʻja oʻgʻli

Ways to Reduce Losses in Power Transformers

36-37 Qurbonov Nurali Abdullayevich, Qurbonova Munisaxon Sanjar qizi, Tog’ayev Axror Ikrom o’g’li

Analysis of Modern Pathomorphological Data Obtained in Experimental Studies

38-44 Sultonova Lola Djahonkulovna

Investigating the Performance Dynamics and Stability Boundaries of Machine Tool Spindle and Cutting Tool Assembly

51-53 Egamberdiyev Ilhom Pulatovich,, Ochilov Ulugbek Yunusovich, Karimova Nazokat Qalandarovna

Calculation of Pneumatic Device for Working Chamber of Saw Gin

54-57 B.T.Jumayev, A.P.Mavlyanov, Sh.K.Usmonov

Study of the Effect of Saw Gin Raw Material Roller Density on Fiber Quality Indicators

58-61 Student R.Z.Uralov, Docent A.P.Mavlyanov, Docent A.A.Umarov

Creation of Online Recipe System Digitalized by Software Using PHP and MYSQL Technologies

62-66 Khakimova Dilnozakhan Sa’dulla qizi

Reducing the Waste of Active Power by Choosing the Right Reactive Power Source

67-71 Sharobiddinov Mirzokhid Shakhobiddin ugli, Tokhtasinov Saidislomkhon Khasankhon ugli

Determination of Technical and Economic Indicators of Road Construction Machines

72-74 Toychiyev Khasanboy Tokhir ugli, Toychiyev Khusanboy Tokhir ugli, Bakirov Lutfillo Yuldoshaliyevich, PhD

Automation of quality control at oil factories (improvement of oil quality).

75-78 Asranov H.K, Abdusalomov M.B, Tojiboyev H. Sh

Efficient Management of Agro-Industry Cluster

79-82 E. Kuldashev, M. Makhmudov

Determination of the Level of Flatfoot in Children and Its Elimination

83-87 Mashrabov Shakhzodbek Davronbek o‘g‘li

Improvement of Technology of Automation of Cement Packing Process At "Eco Sement" Enterprise

88-91 H. Asranov

Neural Network Model of Energy Saving of Combined Drum Dryer

45-50 Safarov Elyorbek Xasanovich