The article discusses the study of Uzbek folklore in the 20th century, in particular, the study of
the epics of Khorezm, the publication of the epics of the Khorezm series "Ashiqnoma". effective research on
Uzbek epics by professor Safarboy Rozimboyev, a folklorist scientist, is analyzed. It is stated that folklore
samples should be preserved as unique intangible cultural heritage
The scientist's first folklore expedition,

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How to Cite
Maxsuda Yusupboyevna Karimova. (2022). Safarboy Rozimboyev is an active researcher of Khorezm folklore. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 14, 153–155. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/zjssh/article/view/3021
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