Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities provides the opportunity to the authors to publish their original research articles in field of Social Sciences and Humanities. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is an open access peer reviewed monthly journal. The journal is refereed and follows the ethics and practices of ethical open access publishing. All the manuscripts received for publication passes through extensive double blind peer review process.

The scope of the journal covers:


Archaeology, bioanthropology, linguistic anthropology, and social-cultural anthropology


Microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and international economics, economic theories, models, and real-world applications, enhancing their understanding of economic behaviours and systems.


General psychology, organisational behaviour, social psychology, communication and languages, theories of counselling, social work, human development, social behaviour, educational psychology and social issues.


Art history, ancient history, cultural history, economic history, military history, social history, and world history.


Educational practices, theories, methods and experiments in Language, arts, history, mathematics, physical education and science.


Frequency of Publication: Monthly (12 Issues per year)

Time from Submission to primary notification: 1 Week

Time from primary notification to completion peer review: 8 Weeks

Time from Acceptance to Publication: 1 Week

ISSN (Online): 2769-996X

doi Prefix: 10.62480