The composition will consist of at least two components among the materials. There are composite materials - for example, there are plywood. In all other composites, the components can be divided into a matrix or a connector, and electrical energy - to fill. Composites are usually distinguished by the type of reinforcing filler or the substance of the Matrix.
Components can be divided
vacuum infusion
matrix or a connector

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How to Cite
Haydaraliyev Ulugbek G‘ayrat o‘g‘li, Jamshed Sadulloevich Avliyokulov, & Khurshidbek Ikromovich Nurmetov. (2021). Automotive Brake Friction Part Recovery Technology Using Composite Materials. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 1–2. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/zjssh/article/view/170
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