Published: Dec 8, 2022

Transmission of Bacterial Infections by Dental Impression

1-5 Azhar Imran Majeed Alawadi, Malath Nabil Jafar

Assessment of the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot syndrome after reconstructive surgery

6-8 Shagazatova B.Kh, Artikova D.M, Ishonkulova N.F, Avezova G.S, Artikov A.F, Urunbaeva D.A

Leiomyosarcoma of the kidney with massive thrombosis of the inferior vena cava: a clinical case and a review of the literature

9-16 G. G. Khakimova, V. S. Surkova, G. A. Khakimov, Zh.B. Sadullaev, Sh. G. Khakimova

“To Study the Quality of Life of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Complicated by Polyneuropathy”

17-23 Najmutdinova D.K, Khudaybergenova D.H, Nizometdinova U.J, Hidoyatov K.H

The State of Cellular Immunity in Children with Infectious Mononucleosis

24-26 Keldyorova Z.D, Aslonova M.R

Training Loads of Boxers in Individual Lessons on "Paws" and Their Evaluation

27-34 R.D. Halmukhamedov

Medical controls in sports (analysis and results)

35-43 Xujabekov Akhror Ubaydullayevich

Medical Control at Sports Facilities with Health Opportunities

44-50 Nishanov Ilyos Burxanovich, Saidmurodov Samandar

Phytotherapy of Gastric Ulcer (Literature Review)

51-59 Djanaev G.Yu, Askarov O.O, Sultanov S.A

Surgical Method for the Treatment of Multiplanar Deformities of the Proximal Femur in Children with Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head

60-65 Alpysbaev Kh.Sh, Juraev A.M, Tapilov E.A

Experimental Morphology of the Salivary Glands Mechanisms of the Appearance of Hyposalivation

66-67 Lisitsyna Alexandra

Gastrointestinal Conditions in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

68-72 Toirov Doston Rustamovich, Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Khaydarov Sanjar Nizamitdinovich, Kamolova Diyora Djamshedovna

Pathology of the Thyroid Gland in Women Rheumatoid Arthritis

73-77 Shodikulova Gulandom Zikiryayevna, Shonazarova Nodira Xudoyberdiyevna, Sheranov Atxam Mamadiyarovich

Mental Status and Quality of Life in Patients With Sinus Node Weakness Syndrome and Chronic Coronary Heart Failure of Ischemic Etiology

78-82 Khusainova Munira Alisherovna, Khaydarov Sanjar Nizamitdinovich, Toirov Doston Rustamovich, Kurbonov Sherkhon Haqnazarovich

Clinical And Immunological Characteristics of Allergic Diseases in Adolescents

83-85 Abdullaev Nurboy Chunaevich

Modern Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of Liver Cirrhosis Patients of Viral Etiology with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

86-90 Mukhammadieva Musharraf Ibrokhimovna

Modern Methods of Surgical Treatment of Gastric Ulcer and Duodenal Ulcer

91-95 Sharapov Ilkhomberdi Kamalovich

Prevalence of asthma among secondary school students.

96-102 Dr. Ali Tariq Thanoon Yahya, Dr. Saif Abdulhussein Hasan, Dr. Hussein khaleefah Mkhaifi Al khuwaylidee, Abbas AbdulWahhab Jumaah, Dr. Ali Qais Abdulkafi

Preoperative Predicting Factors for The Results of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery

103-111 Dr. Zaid Azem Alshammaa, Dr. Mohammed Zuhair Shakir, Dr. Yasir Adil Taha Taqa

Outcomes of Covid-19 on Nasal Disorders and Assessment of Quality of Life in Post-Covid Patients.

112-119 Dr. Mudhar Hameed Rasheed, Dr. Ali Hussein Ali Saeed, Dr. Mahmood Sami Wafeeq

Role of Regulating Myosin in Incidence and Progression of Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Iraqi Patients

120-133 Amjed Oudah Ajam Alkozae

Uncommon Presentation of Second Branchial Cyst Compression on the Carotid Bifurcation: A Case Report

134-138 Enas Abdulmaged, Hanan Amanuel Qas Marrogy

Outcome of tap block in the cesarean section on postoperative pain

139-145 Dr. Ahmed Muwafaq Younus Al-Darkazali, Dr. Inas Fadhil Mahdi, Dr. Sabah kareem Oleiwi, Dr. Ali Qais Abdulkafi, Abbas AbdulWahhab Jumaah

Incidence of hepatitis B and C in children with cancer: a single institution experience in Iraq

146-153 Dr. Usama Al-Jumaily, Dr. Ali Emaduldeen Abdulmunem, Dr. Oday Abdullhussein Abbood

Health outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in pregnant women

154-159 Dr. Arjan Mohammed Rasheed, Dr. Nidaa Abdulhusein Abdulhasan Alaithi, Dr. Eman Salih Taha, Dr. Ali Qais Abdulkafi, Abbas AbdulWahhab Jumaah

Domestic Traumatism Among the Population and Children, Medical and Social Aspects


Modern approaches to clinical and laboratory research in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

166-169 Rustamova M.T, Нaytimbetov J.Sh, Hayrullaeva S.S, Narziev N.M

Multimodal analgesia in the postoperative period in patients with abdominal pathology in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

170-178 Avakov V.E, Ibragimov N.K., Ramazanova Z.F., Muralimova R.S.

Assessment Risk Factors Study for Bowel Anastomosis for Iraqi Patients

179-187 Dr. Mohammed Tareq Mohammed, Dr. Sabah kareem Oleiwi, Dr. Ali Ramzi Naji, Dr. Ali Qais Abdulkafi

Diabetic Foot, Conservative Management.

188-196 Dr. Hasanain Moayad Husain, Dr. Sadoon Jehad Abdaljabar, Dr. Shakir Mahmood Abboosh Alsultan

The subconscious world of man. Imagination and its meaning

197-199 Khasanova Barno Jaloladdinovna, Juraeva Nigora Davronovna, Ochilova Lobar Sherali qizi, Rakhimova Dilorom Orifjonovna

Health Human Performance

200-202 Saodatkhon Tojikhujaeva

Relationship between Work Related Nurses Stress and Socioeconomic Status of Critical Care Units at Medical City in Baghdad city

203-207 Adnan yassin.mohammed, specialist psychiatrist, Murtada Thair. Jabra, M.ScN

Assessment of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Covid-19 Based on Chronic Heart Failure and its Significance in the Effectiveness of the Treatment

208-213 Narzullayev Hayotillo Fayzulla o`g`li, Gadaev A.G, Rahimova M.E, Tosharov F.Z, Hamrayev S.R