In this article, general concepts about the importance of ISO-9000 in the entry of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan to the world market and the role of innovative technologies are briefly presented. In addition, attention is focused on the need to fill the domestic market with necessary consumer goods and deepen the level of localization by introducing international standards in the production of agricultural products, and it has been shown that it is time to pay great attention to increasing the volume of exports.
International Global G.A.P. standard
ISO 9000
ISO 14000
ISO 22000

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How to Cite
Eraliev Alisher Abdukhalilovich, & Mehriniso Mamadalieva Ergashboy Ogli. (2022). The importance of ISO-9000 in the entry of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan to the world market. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 15, 52–55. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/2972
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