In recent years, many of the leading arbitral institutions have amended their rules in order to make arbitration more responsive to users' needs. A key development has been the introduction of emergency arbitrator procedures, which enable parties to obtain urgent relief before the substantive tribunal is formed. For good reason, these new mechanisms are receiving significant attention from parties and arbitrators. However, have enforcement mechanisms kept pace with these developments? Therefore, this article addresses the implementation of interim measures of relief issued by international arbitral tribunals through exploring current legal frameworks for such enforcement, foreign case law practices, examples of such measures that have been enforced and suggestions for drafting interim measures as well as alternatives for harmonizing into international framework to maximize their potential enforceability
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- . 9 USC Section 1 et seq. (especially Chapter 2 thereof).
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- . Cairo Court of Appeal, 7th Commercial Circuit, Case No. 44/134 JY, Decision dated 9 May 2018; see also 'Cairo court fills interim measures “void” in Egyptian law', Global Arbitration Review (23 May 2018), available athttps://globalarbitrationreview.com/article/1169888/cairo-court-fills-interim-measures-void-in-egyptian-law.
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- . Supreme Court No. 5468-2009, Western Technology Services International Inc. (Westech) v. a Chilean company, Cauchos Industriales SA (Cainsa), 11 May 2010 (case described in UNCITRAL's 'Case Law On Uncitral Texts (CLOUT)', dated 23 August 2011 (A / CN.9 / SER.C / ABSTRACTS / 111), at 5.
- . Living Consulting Group AB (Sweden) v. OOO Sokotel (Russian Federation), Presidium of the Highest Arbitrazh Court, Russian Federation, 5 October 2010, A56-63115 / 2009, in AJ van den Berg (ed.), XXXVI Yearbook Commercial Arbitration 317, 318 (Kluwer 2011).