Published: Dec 10, 2023

Bench Study _ Elastic Supports of the Chisel Cultivator

1-7 Akhmadjon Nasritdinov , Ismailkhoja Djorayev

The effects of dollar exchange rate changes on the feasibility of projects in the Iraqi economy

8-20 Ali Abdulhussein Khaleel Alfadhel, Dr. HAYDER HAMMOODI ALI, Dr. WISAM NEMAH JAAFAR RAGEEB, Dr. Zainab Hadi Maaouf Al-Sharif

Entrepreneurship shaping the business environment in rural areas evaluation of the service of subjects

21-23 Alieva Gulnura Alievna, Erniyazov Aliysher Karamurza Ogli, Eldashbaev Muratbek Amanbay Qizi

The use of interactive techniques in teaching English

24-26 Homidova Zarnigor Odil qizi

Clinical Basis For Opening And Draining Mouthpiece Flegmonas

27-29 Tastanova Gulchexra Eshtayevna, Tulemetov Sabrjan Kalikovich, Niyazova Zebunniso Orifjon Qizi

Basic Principles and Stages of Betting in the Face Area

30-32 Allaberdiyeva Zulfizar Xayrullayevna, Tastanova Gulchexra Eshtayevna, Tulemetov Sabrjan Kalikovich

Clinical Anatomy of the Front Face. Topography of the Oral Cavity

33-35 Tastanova Gulchexra Eshtayevna, Tulemetov Sabrjan Kalikovich, Nabiyeva Jumagul Baxtiyorovna

Road traffic incidents and their indicators

36-37 Saitmuratov Mirzokhid Abdumuratovich

Influence of Propofol on Hemodynamics During Cesarean Section

38-41 Krasnenkova M.B.

Development Of Financial Services And Application Of Its Experience To The National Economy

42-48 Khaidarova Niginahon Shukhrat kizi

Organizational Mechanism Of Management Of International Trade Operations In The Republic Of Uzbekistan

49-54 Abdumutaliyev Rasuljon Abdurashid ugli, Narimonov Sayfullakhon Sunnatillo ugli

Current Issues in the Study of the Place of Cryptocurrency and Digital Money Technology in the Digital Economy

55-58 Rakhimbaev Musobek Komiljon ugli, Misratillaev Sherbek Azamat ugli

Methodology of Developing the Strength of Female Wrestlers

59-63 Allanazarova Amangul

The Role Of Ultrasound In Diagnosing Uterine Scar Failure In Pregnant Women After Cesarean Section

64-65 An Andrey Vladimirovich, Olimjonova Saodatkhon Mahammadjon kizi

Opening of the Deep Layers of The Side Face in Processes of Purulous Inflammation

66-67 Tastanova Gulchexra Eshtayevna, Tulemetov Sabrjan Kalikovich, Muhammadjonova Muslima