In this article the problem of chronology in political satirical novel is investigated. In such novels the category of time is generally being of secondary importance as the ultimate goal of writer is to reveal the mechanisms of political system or universal truth hidden be politicians. However, in the novel They eat puppies, don’t they chronology also indicates the pace of the plot. The category of time is presented in various markers, making this novel topical for a research.
political satire

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How to Cite
Pulatova Diyora Farkhod kizi. (2022). Peculiarities of Chronology in Christopher Buckley’s Novel They Eat Puppies? Don’t They. Texas Journal of Philology, Culture and History, 12, 63–65. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjpch/article/view/2883
- Becker A. (2020) Applying mass communication frameworks to study humor's impact: advancing the study of political satire, Annals of the International Communication Association, 44:3, 273-288, DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2020.1794925
- Buckley Ch. Official website. Available at; https://christopherbuckley.com/
- Buckley Ch. They Eat Puppies, Don't They? Available at: https://www.goodreads.com/ru/book/show/13018646-they-eat-puppies-don-t-they