Dr. Catalino N. Mendoza,


Baliwag Polytechnic College - Institute of Business and Accountancy,Bulacan, Philippines

Dr. Jimmy Bernabe Maming

Department of Management Studies,

Cebu Institute of Technology University; Cebu City, Philippines

Dr. Guido Migliaccio

Associate Professor of Business Administration and Accounting

University of Sannio. Benevento - Italy


Dr. A. Djelloul

Research Professor,

Research Center in Semiconductors Technology for Energy (CRTSE), 02 Bd Frantz Fanon. BP 140. 7 Merveilles. Algiers, Algeria.


Dr. Ajesh F.

Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Musaliar college of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

Dr. Shauli Mukherjee

Director & Dean of Adamas University, Barasat, West Bengal, India


Dr. El Houssine Khadiri

Department of Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Dhar-el-mahraz, Fez. Morocco


Gerardo Cazzato

University of Bari

Faculty: Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology

Clinical medicine, public health and oncology, Bari, Italy


Dr. Mustapha Kabrane

Professor of Technology - College Pablo Neruda Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Academy of Créteil,  France


Dr. Nihale SABA

Software Engineer in Automotive Electronics at Audi, Brussels, Belgium


Dr. Abdelkader Benelhouri

Laboratory of Metrology and Information Processing(LMIP) Physics Department of faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr Univeristy Agadir, Morocco


Dr. Yassir EL FILALI

Project Manager, AKWA GROUP n° 28 Rue 14 Hay Omar Ibn Khattab, Casablanca, Morocco



Associate Professor at the Polydisciplinary Faculty of Ouarzazate, Ibn Zohr University Agadir Morocco.


Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Laghmam,

A Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant at the university of Nebraska- Lincoln, USA.


Dr. Zahid Iqbal Khan

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia


Dr. Pirnazarov Nurnazar Rashid ulı,

Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Uzbekistan


Dr. Pedro de Alcântara Bittencourt César

Adjunct Professor at the Center for Arts and Architecture, at the Center for Social Sciences of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality (Masters and Doctorate) at the University of Caxias do Sul., Brazil

Isakov Zakirjon Soliyevich

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. Uzbekistan

Xodjayev Begzod Xudoyberdiyevich

Doctor of Sciences Pedagogics, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Continuing Education, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D) in PHILOLOGY Docent of Philological sciences, Professor of Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Uzbekistan


Sulaymanova Nilufar Jabbarovna

Head of the Department of Theory of English Language and Literature, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Docent, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan


Valieva Feruza Rashidovna

Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Directors and Specialists of Pre-school Educational Organizations. Head of the Department of Preschool Education Management. Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor, PhD. Uzbekistan


Karimova Gulshod Mamatkadyrovna

Teacher of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Philological Sciences Uzbek Language and Literature


Sulaymanov Amaliddin Nurbayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) History, Gulistan state University.


Nazarova Dildora Ilxomovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Bukhara Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Khaydarov Gayratbek Mirzapulatovich

Andizhan State University Chief of the Department Theory of Civil Society, Assistant Professor, PhD


Alimova Nadira Ibragimovna

Andizhan State University Assistant Professor at the Department “National Idea, Bases of Morality and Education of Law”, PhD in History


Kadirova Barno Raimovna,

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD), Associate Professor, Teacher, Department of "Uzbek Language and Professional Education" of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan


Allambergenova Muqqadas Ruslanovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology PhD., Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University


Shokirova Diloramxon Abduvali Qizi

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Teacher of Faculty of Foreign Languages of Andijan State University. Uzbekistan.


Kozokboyeva Dilfuzakhon Ilkhomjon Qizi

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). Teacher of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Andijan State University. Uzbekistan.


Sodiqova Sevinch Aliyevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). Teacher of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan National University Named After Mirzo Ulugbek. Uzbekistan.


Alimova Zarifa Vaxobovna

Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics of Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)


Burxanova Mashhura Muhammadovna

Associate professor  of Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)


Razikova Lola Tuychievna

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Samarkand State Medical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor.


Khosiatov Khurshid Otakulovich

Associate Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics


Ismailova Dilfuzakhan Abdujaliovna

Navoy State University of Mining and Technologies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Ibragimova Nargiza Maratovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Ruzieva Zilola Mustafaevna,

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Gulnora Sattorovna Mutalova,

Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Philology, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, Docent



Doctor of Philosophy in English Language, Urgench State Pedagogical Institute


Smesova Ekaterina Alexsandrovna

Assistant Professor at the Department “World History” of Andizhan State University, PhD in History


Otaboeva Mazmuna Rakhimovna

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, PhD., Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Science,Teacher, Uzbekistan


Kuchimov Ulugbek Kuchkarovich                                                    

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Eshanova Zilola Kuchkarovna,

Andijan State University Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences



Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Eastern Philology and Translation Studies, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)


Nazarova Gulbakhor Azimjon Qizi,

Uzbekistan State World Language University, English Teacher, PhD


Begaliyev Shahabudin Yuldashevich

Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Department of Integrated Course of English Language Teaching, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent


Egamberdiev Jasur Jakhongirovich

Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Head of the Department of Guide Accompaniment, Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Makhmudova Nilufarkhan Ravshanovna

Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Department of Integrated Course of English Language Teaching, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Docent


Kasimova Guljaxon Maxmudovna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent of the Faculty “English Language and Literature”, Fergana State University. Uzbekistan.


Akhmedova Matluba Ibragimdjonovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences of the Faculty “English Language and Literature”, Fergana State University. Uzbekistan.


Manana Shioshvili

Faculty of History-Philology, Georgian, Language and Literature Specialist, Yakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Telavi Georgia


Nurmanov Furqat Ismoilovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD), Teacher of the Navai State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Rajabov Dilshod Zaripovich

Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Teacher of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


Raupova Rano Soyibovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Teacher of Bukhara State University


Abdullaeva Shokhida Norkulovna

Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD) Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of English Theory Department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Amirkulova Zebuniso Mustafakulovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Termez State University.


Axmedova Vazira

Faculty of Mining, Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature


Sindorov Lutfulla Kurolovich,

Associate Professor, Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Ibragimov Khairulla Hamdamovich,

Associate Professor, Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Atkamova Sumanbar Askarovna

(PhD) Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Teacher at the UzWLU, The Uzbek State University of World Languages


Makhmudova Sevara Irisaliyevna,

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture


Mahmudov Raufjon Bahodirovich,

Professor, Head of the Social and Humanitarian Department of Khorezm Mamun Academy, Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Uzbekistan.


Muminov Azizbek Ziyoviddinovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami



Ismoilov Khurmatillo Tulkhunjon O’g’li

Andizhan State University, Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy PhD Philological Sciences


Saidqodirova Dilfuzakhon Saidkodirovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication Department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Usmonova Shahodat Abdurahimovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication Department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Faizova Feruza Shakirovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan.


Radjabov Nasir Nasimovich

Professor of the Department of Learning Languages of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences, Docent. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Makhkamova Muborak Yusupovna

Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Head of the "Uzbek Language and Literature" Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


Egamova Shoxida Djalilovna

Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of Nizamiy Tashkent Pedagogical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences


Abdujabbarova Feruza Abdunazarovna

Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of Nizamiy Tashkent Pedagogical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences


Burkhanova Feruza Abdurazakovna

Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizomi, Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) on Philological Science, Associate Professor


Jamalova Gulnora Gulomovnа

Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (PhD), Professor of the Department of Social Humanitarian and Exact Sciences of the Branch Ural State University of Economics of Tashkent State Economic University Tashkent City, Republic of Uzbekistan


Berdiev Hayriddin Abdulloevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Historical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Technical University


Yuldashev Toboshar Qodirovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies


Nasarov Sardor Khasanovich

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Toxtayeva Nargiza Narziyevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philology, Acting Associate Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan


Rustamov Ilkhom Tursunovich,

Tashkent State Transport University, Associate Professor of "Foreign Language" Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Science, (PhD)


Khajieva Feruza Melsovna,

Bukhara State University, Doctor of Science (DSc), Associate Professor in English Literature Department.


Turaeva Bahor Bahriddinovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Khalliyeva Gulnoz Iskandarovna

DSc (Doctor of Science), Рrofessor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Sultonsaidova Saodat

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Zohidov Rashid Fozilovich

DSc (Doctor of Science), Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature Named After Alisher Navoi


Tadjibayev Musajan Sabirovich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Elmuratova Umida Farxadovna

Docent of the Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, PhD of Historical Sciences, Uzbekistan


Bobojanov Sharipboy Xudoshukirovich

Doctor of Philosophy Science (PhD), Associate Professor, Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Sangirova Dilorom Khujamkulovna

Associate Professor of the Faculty of History



Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of General History Department


Nishonov P. Patkhiddin

Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages


Karimova Ubaydullayevna Surayyo

Doctor of Science (in History), Deputy Director of the Abu Raykhan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.


Alimova Mukharam Khayatovna

Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Professor at the Department "Theory and Methodology of Teaching English"


Djafarova Dildora Ilxomovna,

DSc, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Department of French Philology, National University of Uzbekistan‌‌


Qurbonova Gulsara Sodiqovna,

Doctor of Philological Sciences DSc, Department of French Philology, National University of Uzbekistan‌‌


Ismatov Sarvar Saydullaevich,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Department of French Philology, National University of Uzbekistan‌‌


Allayorov Tulkin Ruzikulovich,

PhD., Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


Khushnazarova Mamura Nodirovna

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Inter-faculty Pedagogy, Head of the Faculty of Inter-Faculty pedagogy



Umarova Mukaddas Mukhtarovna

Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology, Head of the Department of Preschool Education of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute


Botirova Zebo Hakimjon Qizi,

Senior Teacher of the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of International Languages, Namangan State University


Ermirzaev Abbas Vakhobjonovich,

Head of the Department of Applied English at Namangan State University


Talapov Bahriddin Alijanovich,

Candidate of Science in History, Dean of the Law Faculty of Namangan State University


Allayarova Zebiniso Boymuratovna

Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Bekpo‘lat Umurqulov

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Termiz State University


Israilova Saodat Turopovna

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Philology PhD, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek



Tashkent State Technical University, Head of Department, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Docent.


Bakhriddinova Bashorat Madiyevna,

Doctor of Philology(DsC), Professor, Head of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan.


Radjabova Ziyodakhan Ibodulloyevna,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Lecturer at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan


Sulaymanov Bobir Nodirovich,

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Uzbek Language Department, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan.


Tukhtasinova Nigina Bashirovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, PhD. Department of French Philology, National University of Uzbekistan


Daniyarov Bakhtiyor Khudayberdiyevich

Nurafshon Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Doctor of Science (DSc)


Fayzullayeva Dilnoza Narimanovna
Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences (PhD) of the Department Uzbek Language and Literature at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University


Boymatova Dilnoza Baxtiyarovna
Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences (PhD) of the Department Teaching Methods of the Uzbek Language at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Toshturov Shukhrat Eshonqulovich
Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute Doctor of Philosophy, PhD.
Patullaeva Gaukhar Saklapbergenovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Department of Karakalpak Language,  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named after Azhiniyaz, Uzbekistan

Akhrarova Fotima Bakhramovna,

Department of French Philology, National University of Uzbekistan, PhD‌‌.



Abdupottoev Makhamadtoir

Head of the Department "Uzbek Language and Literature" of Fergana State University, Doctor of Philology (DSc), Associate Professor



Rustamova Shakhnoza Abdurakhimovna

Tashkent State Transport University, Associate Professor of "Foreign Language" Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Science, (PhD)



Altmisheva Yorkinoy Majidovna

Andijan State Foreign Language Institute, Doctor of Philosophy Philological Sciences, Academic Secretary


Usmanova Maxfuza Sadikovna

Senior Teacher of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences.



Murtazaev Abror Odilovich

Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Teacher of the Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Didactics, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences



Islomov Ikrom Khushbokovich

Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Philology, Doctor of Sciences in Philology


Kurbonaliyeva Makhfirat Sa'dulloyevna

Termiz State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Linguistics, Faculty of Russian and Related Languages, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.



Mukumova Dilafruz Ziyodullayevna

Termiz State University, Senior Lecturer of  Russian and Cognate Languages Department, Faculty of Russian and Cognate Languages, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.



Pugovkina Oksana Gennadevna

Senior Research Fellow of Department "Historiography and Sources Studies" the Institute of History Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy, Historical Sciences (PhD).



Pazilova Nasibaxon Muhammadkosimovna

 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Andijan, Uzbekistan.



Solijonov Sobirjon

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Andijan, Uzbekistan.



Qurbonova Sayyoraxon Maxamadaliyevna

Doctor of Philosophy Philological Sciences, Docent, Fergana State University


Kunnazarova Sholpanay Maxsetbaevna
Philosophy Doctor of Philological Sciences PhD, Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology


Sherjanova Fazu Keunimjaevna
Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, PhD., Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology



Karimkhojaev Nietbay Sharipovich

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of "Russian Language and Literature" Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh.


Nizomova Mokhinur Baratboevna,

Karshi State University, Acting Dotcent of English Philology Faculty, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.


Yangiboy Turdimuratov

Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport



Dominova Rahima Malikovna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Middle Eastern Languages of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the Field of Philological Sciences.


Khoshimkhojayeva Mohirukh Muzaffarovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Philological Sciences, Teacher of the Department of "English Language and Literature", Termiz State University, Uzbekistan



Karimkhojaev Nietbay Sharipovich

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of "Russian Language and Literature" Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh.



Khamdam Ismoilov
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Uzbek State Institute of Art And Culture, Uzbekistan


Fatima Kadirova Rashidovna
Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Institute of Retraining and Professional Development of Directors and Specialists of Pre-School Educational Organizations


Radjabova Dilora Nazarovna,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Samarkand State University,
Faculty of History, Department of History and Source Studies


Malabayev Botirjon Bakhtiyarovich,

Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of NamSU


Iskandarova Nodira Bakhrambekovna

Senior Teacher of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Languages, Urganch Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD)



Sultonqulova Feruza Bobonazarovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Termez State University, Uzbekistan.


Iskandarova Aybibi Rakhimbaevna,

Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek (Russian) Language, Tashkent State Transport University, Candidate of Philological Sciences


Saidova Muhabbatxon Shukurullayevna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of "Uzbek linguistics" Department of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


Babakhanova Dilarom Akhmatkhanovna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of "Uzbek linguistics" Department of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


Jumayeva Zubayda Shavkatovna,

(PhD), Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbek Language and Literature Faculty


Arustamyan Yana Yurevna
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Department of Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics, DSc, Associate Professor


Atamurodova Feruza Tashmurotovna
Karshi State University, Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD) in Philological Sciences


Abdullayev Komiljon Abdug'aniyevich,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Teacher of the Department of "Uzbek Literary Studies", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan.



Muxammedova Nilufar,

Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Associate Professor


Ekaterine Nakhutsrishvili 

Doctor of Education (PhD) in Teacher Education (English Language Teaching Methodology), Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Georgia
Bekposhsha Rahimova,
Department of Uzbek Literature, Faculty of Philology, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan


Panjiev Normakhmat

Termez State University, Associate Professor, PhD of Chair of Russian Linguistics


Panjieva Nasiba Narmakhmatovna

Termez State University, Associate Professor, PhD of Chair of English Language and Literature



Amanov Abdijabbor Sattarovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan.


Begamova Nasiba Kholmirzayevna

Termiz institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development, Teacher of the Department of Mathematics, Natural and Humanitarian Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences.




Senior Teacher of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences.



Aminova Aziza Marksovna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute


Pardaeva Zulfiya Zhuraevna

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian Literature and Methods of Its Teaching at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University.


Xamdamova Gulshan Xamroyevna

Senior Teacher, Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Yakhyoeva Gulnora Bakhtiyorovna,

Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan


Allamuratov Gulmurat Sultamurotovich

Teacher at the Military-Academic Lyceum of Nukus "School of Temurbeks" under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Radjapova Sabohat Bobirovna

Senior Lecturer, Department of World History, Faculty of History, Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Sotvoldiev Bunyodbek Tulkinjan ugli

Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, The Head of the Department of Scientific Investigations, Innovations and Preparing Scientific, Candidate of  Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)


Jumaniyozova Muxabbat Xusinovna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent of the Department of Primary Education Methodology, Urgench State University



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University


Tajibaeva Latofat Farkhodovna

Karakalpak State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Docent of the Department


Sadullayeva Mokhira Atavullayevna

Karakalpak State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Docent of the Department


Doshanova Guljakhan Ismailovna

Karakalpak State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Docent of the Department



Aminova Aziza Marksovna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute


Sagdullaeva Dilfuza Karimullaevna

Assistant of Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan


Nuritdinova Ra’no Sevdiyevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology Sciences, Teacher of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan



Khashimova Khurshida Djuraxanovna

PhD, Department of Social Sciences, University of Business and Science, Uzbekistan


Gaipova Hulkar Kozibayevna

Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literature of UrSU.


Toshov Kamoliddin Tojinorovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of World History, Faculty of History, Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Ergashev Mavlon Eshniyozovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of World History, Faculty of History, Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Lutfullayev Jaxongir Amirovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Filology, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh.


Aripova Zuxra Djaxangirovna

Head of Department, Docent, Doctor of Sciences in History, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


Zakirov Abduvahob Abdumalikovich

Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methodology, Candidate of Philological Sciences


Usmanov Abdijabbar Norbo'taevich

Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education Methodology of JDPU, Candidate of Philological Sciences.



Abdurazzakov Eldor G‘ofirjonoich

PhD, Department of Social Sciences, University of Business and Science, Uzbekistan



Pazlitdinova Nargiza Zuriddinovna

PhD, Department of Social Sciences, University of Business and Science, Uzbekistan


Boltayeva Gulchehra Shokirovna

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philology, Teacher of the Navai State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Ernazarova Gulnoza Murodovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Science, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Ollaberganova Sanobar Xamidovna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent of the Department of Primary Education Methodology, Urgench State University



Sinjapova Rusana Ruslanovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, PhD Teacher at Almalyk branch of National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"



Mambetova Gulnaz Jaksımuratovna

PhD,  Department of Philology, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan



Imomov Musurmon Pirnazarovich

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pre-school Education, Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan



Usmonova Muhayyoxon Sobirjonovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute



Isabayeva Mashxura Muxiddinovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) In Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kokand State Pedagogical Institute


Ernazarova Gulnoza

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor



Asrakulova Adiba Nabievna ,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philosophical Sciences, Teacher of the Department of Music Education and Cultural Studies,  Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


Professor Turaev Bakhtiyor Omanovich

Imam Bukhari International Center, Chief Scientific Consultant



Raxmonov Navro’z Sattorovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Teacher of the Navai State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Jumayev Zafar Xamdamovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philology, Docent, Teacher of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Baltayeva Zamira Shanazarovna

Berdak Karakalpak State University, Acting Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology


Akhmedova Zebiniso

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor


Rizoeva Mekhriniso

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor



Senior Teacher of the Karakalpak Language Department of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Doctor of Philosophy of Philological Sciences. (PhD)



Karimova Gulshod Mamatkadirovna,
Senior Teacher of Uzbek and Foreign Languages Department of the Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Docent.
Djurayev Shavkat Toshquvatovich,
Senior Teacher of Uzbek and Foreign Languages Department of the Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Boltabaeva Ozodahon Yuldashalievna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Literary Education, Faculty of Social and Humanities, University of Business and Science, Higher Education Institution
Salixodjayeva Xavasxon Zakirjanovna
PhD, Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department "Uzbek Linguistic", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Karimov Obit Yakubdjanovich
Candidate of Philology, "Uzbek Literary Studies", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Tajibayeva Dilfuza Erkinovna
PhD on Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Uzbek Literary Studies", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan.
Kazakova Nozima Abdulboqiyevna
PhD Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Uzbek Linguistic", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan.

Sayfillaeva Dilfuza Kaxramonovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Teacher of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan.
Islomov Dilshod Shomurodovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Teacher of BuxSU, Uzbekistan.
Tursunova Nasiba Khamroevna
Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Berdiyeva Shaxnoza Nabijonovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Termez State Pedagogical Institute.



Fayziyeva Dilfuza Olimovna

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philology, Teacher of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


A'zamova Gulasal Sodiq Qizi

Ferghana State University, Department of Foreign Languages in Humanities, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences,Senior Teacher


Jumaniyazova Makhira Rahimbergan Qizi

Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sports Activities, Faculty of Sports and Arts, Urganch State University, Uzbekistan



To`rayeva Umriniso Rahmatovna

Lector of the Department of Uzbek Literature in Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD), Uzbekistan



Saymuratova Ijobat Tursunkulovna

Doctor of Philology (PhD), Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Uzbekistan



Mamatqulov Muzaffar Rahmonqulovich

Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan



Fayzullayeva Obidaxon Xolbekovna

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Uzbekistan.


To‘ychiyev Abdunabi Xudoyberdiyevich

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan



Makhsuda Saribaeva

Gulistan State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogics (PhD), Docent


Davronova Shokhsanam Gaybulloyevna

Bukhara State University Faculty of Philology, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, DSc, Docent


Dr. Kodirova Saodat Abdirakhimovna

Bukhara State University, Senior Teacher of the Department of Primary Education, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.



Sharipova Munira Khamidullaevna

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan


Norova Nasiba Baxtiyorovna

Lector of the Department of Uzbek Literature in Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD), Uzbekistan



Ergasheva Guli Ismoil kizi,

DSc, Associate Professor, Dean of the English Philology Faculty, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Yuldashev Otabek Tashpolat ugli

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics of Namangan State University


Khakimova Gulsara Egamnazarovna

PhD. Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Sciences of English Language


Kabulova Zamira Adilbaevna

Karakalpak State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Docent of the Department


Bozorov Orif Chamanovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Docent, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Roman-Germanic Philology, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan


Mirzakarimova Zamira Dadamatovna

Candidate Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University.


Nishanbayeva Enajon Zaripbaevna

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Associate Professor of "Political Science" Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (PhD) Uzbekistan


Kurganov Anvarjon Mukhtorovich,

Docent of Uzbek and Foreign Languages Department of the Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Docent.


Ganiyeva Dildoraxon Azizovna

DSc. Doctor of Science in philology, Associate Professor, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan



Khoshimov Utkirjon Kushmirzayevich

Doctor of Philosophy in History, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami Head of the "History of Uzbekistan" Department



Mansurov Uktamjon Nosirboyevich

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent of "Theory and Mehtodology of Teaching and  Upbringing (History)" Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi



Joniyev Fakhriddin Kuldashevich

Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Pedagogical Sciences, Department of "Social Sciences and Physical Culture”, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Dr. Nurmatova Guzal Khakimovna

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)


Jumaeva Dilnoza Tursunpulatovna,

Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philology, Professor of the Turan Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan.


Rakhimov Rustamboy,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Science, Urgench State Institute of Pedagogy



Khasanova Dilfuza Odilovna

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Russian Language, Professor, Doctor of Science Philology, DSc.


Rakhimova Gulchehra Sobirjonovna

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Department of History, Professor, Doctor of Science in History.



Burieva Umida Abdumuminovna,

Senior Teacher PhD, Department of Theory of Translation and Comparative Languages, National University of Uzbekistan



Juraeva Iroda Akhedovna, 

Dotcent,  PhD, Department of Foreign Language and Literature,  National University of Uzbekistan


Abdullaeva Mukhtasar Abdulla Qizi,

Dotsent, PhD, Department of English Linguistics, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


Fatima Kadirova Rashidovna

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Institute of Retraining and Professional Development of Directors and Specialists of Pre-school Educational Organizations, Uzbekistan



Zakirova Xafiza Razakovna

Andijan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Candidate of Philological Sciences



Navoi State Mining and Technological University, Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Docent.


Kopalov Sanjar Ulugbekovich

Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Arts of Urganch State University, Associate Professor 


Khamrakulov Azamjon Shermuxamadovich

Andijan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences


Erjanova Dilfuza Kadirbaevna,

Candidate of the Department of Linguistics, Karakalpak State University


Yadgarov Bakhodir Jumatovich

Faculty of Sports and Arts of UrSU Docent of the department of Sports activities, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Yadgarov Doniyor Bakhodirovich

Faculty of Sports and Arts of UrSU, Senior Teacher of the Department of Sports Activities, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences



Abdullaev Ulug'bek Artikboevich

Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Anthropology of Eastern Countries, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.



Azizov Nurmukhammad Nematillayevich

Andijan State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Literary Studies of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences


Narsulloyeva Nasiba Sadulloyevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, Associate Professor at SB TUIT of the Department of Languages.


Karashuk Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

Andijan State University, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature


Safarov Yusufali Bakhodirovich

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lieutenant Colonel, Head of the Cycle Department of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Berdiev Abduvali Abduganievich,

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Science of Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Matmuratova Rita Zaxidovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Distance Learning of Social and Humanitarian Sciences" of the NSPI.


Salaev Jasurbek Komilovich

Director of Khiva Pedagogical College, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, PhD


Umarov Kamoldin Jamolovich

Andijan State University, Senior Lecturer in Uzbek linguistics, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD)



Ashirbaeva Diloram Ravshanovna

Associate Professor of the “Korean Philology” Department of theTashkent State University of Oriental Studies.


Kalmuratov Timur Nagmetullaevich

Institute for retraining and professional development of directors and specialists of pre-school educational organizations. Vice-rector for spiritual and scientific affairs. Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences PhD, Uzbekistan



Bobohodjaev Rashidjon Hashimovich,

Tashkent State Transport University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,  Head of "Editorial Publishing and Polygraphy" Department.


Toirova Dilfuza Fayzullayevna

DSc., Associate Professor of the Department "Languages" of Samarkand branch of
Tashkent University of Information Technologies


Ibragimova Rano Isakovna

Doctor of philosophy on philological science, docent, vice rector of Karakalpakstan agriculture and agrotechnologies institute.


Akbarkhodjaeva Feruza Abduganievna

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Djuraeva Nilufar Dalibaevna

Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan of the Uzbekistan State World Language University


Khaitkulov Zahriddin Khazratkul ugli

Uzbekistan State World Languages University Teacher of the Department of Theoretical. Aspects of English Language. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological science.



Nurullayev Khasan Tukhtaevich

Karshi engineering-economics institute, Associate Professor of the Department of  Foreign languages, Uzbekistan



Norboyev Abduvali Ovlakulovich

Associate Professor, Doctor of historical sciences (PhD) of the Department of fundamentals of spirituality and legal education of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.


Pulatova Dildora Dilmuradovna

Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Science, Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Yunusova Barchinoy Maxmudxonovna
PhD on Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Uzbek Language and Literature", Namangan State University, Uzbekistan.


Astanova Gulnora Aminovna

Doctor of Philological Science, Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics and Journalistic of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


Tojiboyev Ilkhomjon Usmonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Namangan State University, English Language Department


Reymov Beckenbauer Khodjametovich

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD in Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical English Language Studies


Radjabova Dilnoza Anvarovna,

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad al Khwarazmi, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Madiyarov Inamjan Batirbaevich

Tashkent State University of Economics Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, PhD


Kendjaeva Gulrukh Fattilloevna

Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan



Abdurakhmonov Khudoynazar Abdirayimovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute



Urinov Uygun Abdullayevich

Professor of the Department of Transport Engineering and Metals Technology at Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute


Ganiev Nurbek Uktamovich

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies Uzbekistan



Tursunov Kakhramon Sodiqovich,

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Uzbekistan



Tilaev Ermat Raxmatovich

Doctor of Philosophy on Historical Science, Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Rakhimova Sulurkhan
Associate Professor, in the Department of Uzbek and Russian Language Literature, Faculty of Philology and History of UrDPI


Yormatova Yokutkhon Nurmatovna

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Methodology of Language Teaching, National Center for Teachers Training in New Methods of Ferghana Region, Uzbekistan


Shoabdurakhimova Umriniso Toxirovna

PhD, Andijan Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan  



Khudayberganova Durdona Sidikovna

Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Doctor of Philology, Professor Head of the Department


Mamasaidov Lutfullo Payzullo ugli

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Business and Science, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History


Nurmanova Dilfuza Abuhamidova,

Professor of Andijan State University, Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc)


Evgeniy Olegovich Zinin

Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Namangan State University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Usmonov Musurmon Mamirali o‘g‘li

Teacher of Namangan State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology


Tursunova Mokhira Ilxomjanovna

Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Is'hoqkhon Ibrat Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences



Gadayev Oybek Yaxshiboyevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philology, Uzbekistan - Finland Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of preschool and primary education



Shodiyev Faxriddin Teshayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) philology, Uzbekistan - Finland Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of preschool and primary education



Karimov Ulugbek Nusratovich

Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages


Abduvali Abdumutalibovich Yuldashev,

Institute of History оf Academy Science of Uzbekistan, Junior Researcher, PhD


Amanov Abdijabbor Sattarovich,

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Namangan State University


Kurbanov Abdulxamid Abdikayumovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Literary Education, Faculty of Social and Humanities, University of Business and Science, Higher Education Institution


Ataniyazova Mubarak Abdullayevna

Acting Associate Professor, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Karakalpak State University Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences


Feruza Rashidova Rasulovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Lecturer at Namangan State University



Tayronov Yoqubjon Rapiqovich

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences



Sattorov Nurbek Abdurazzoqovich

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences



Tulaganova Sanobar Panjiyevna,

DSc, Doctor of Science, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore, Senior Researcher


Abduvahabova Mahina Azatovna

Uzbekistan State World Languages University, PhD, Docent. Head of the Department, Theoretical Aspects of English Language 2


Khakimova Shakhnoza Erkinovna

Doctor of Philological Scienes Professor of the Uzbek State University of World Languages.


Abdullajanov Akmalhon Ahmadjonovich

Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Department of German and French Languages. Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of German and French Languages, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philology, Candidate of philological sciences. 



Saidova Mamura Suleymanovna,

Associate Professor, PhD Uzbek State World Languages University



Ubaydullaeva Shahlo Abdullaevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Military Aviation Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Marufova Zulfiya Nabiyevna

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan


Mahmudov Mansur Abdug‘opporovich 

Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Business and Science, non-state higher educational institution


Turdiyeva Nilufar Yokubovna

Candidate of Science, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor of the department Translation Theory and Practice



Mannopov Islombek Sultonalievich

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Literary Studies, Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan



Karimov Basriddin Ergashevich

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Tashkent State University of Economics, Department of Social Sciences, Uzbekistan



Primov Muxiddin Narzullayevich

PhD, Professor, Tashkent State University of Economics, Department of Social Sciences




Abduraxmanov Sirojiddin Muminkulovich,

Senior Teacher of the Second Department of Foreign Languages, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages. Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences Uzbekistan


Shoniyozov Makxmudjon Ochilovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Literary Education, Faculty of Social and Humanities, University of Business and Science, Higher Education Institution


Dauletmuratova Zamira Usnatdinovna

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor of Karakalpak Linguistics Department of Karakalpak State University.


Inobat Xasanbaevna Allambergenova

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology PhD. Associate Professor of the Department of Karakalpak Literature 


Iskandarova Aybibi Rakhimbayevna

f.f.n. Associate professor, Department of Computer Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Tashkent National University, Uzbekistan



Menlimuratova Elmira Azatovna,

 PhD, Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University, Department of Foreign Languages, Karakalpakstan



Kutluchurina Alina Alfredovna

PhD, Senior Lecturer, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan Department of theory music, Uzbekistan



Ismailov Salakhiddin Ismailovich,

PhD, Associate Professor, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Department of French Language and Literature, Uzbekistan



Matjanov Aman Jarılkapovich

Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan.



Otegenov Hakimbay Maqsetbaevich

Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan.


Sharipova Guzal Usmanbekovna
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in historical sciences, History and source studies of Islam – IRCICA,  Lecturer: history and religion teacher

Bo‘riyev Jaloliddin Aliqulovich,

PhD, Associate Professor, International Islamic academy of Uzbekistan, Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Al-Azhar, Scientific Secretary of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


Sagindikov Jubatkan Naurizovich

Candidate of Philosophy, Professor. Professor of the Department of "National ideal, the foundations of spirituality and legal education", Karakalpak state university named by Berdakh



Avlakulov Yashnarbek Ibragimovich 

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy,  Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan