Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Many people know their target language, but they cannot use them communicatively. Still, they suffer from using target language. Throughout the years, teachers have been using several methods to teach students. In order to analyze students’ interaction, I did a research on teaching and learning process in Direct and Audio-Lingual method. The importance of my research is students’ ability to use language communicatively.
Audio-Lingual methods
Russian language

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How to Cite
Miraxmedova Iroda Anvarovna. (2023). The important parts of teaching in Direct and Audio-Lingual method in Russian Language. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 16, 22–23. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/3216
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- Berdieva Mukarrama Anvarovna, Bazarova Shokhida Ashirkulovna – The role of authentic materials in teaching Russian language in higher education. Molodoy uchenyy – International scientific journal No. 17 (412) / 2022
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