Published: Jul 9, 2022

Metabolic and Immunological Aspects of Osteoarthritis

1-5 Ramazanova Nigora Asrarovna

Relationship between the level of total the 28-GH and level of sleep deprivation Among Nurses at Critical Care Units in AlNajaf City

6-15 Abdulrahman Jassim Hassan, Fatima Wanas Khudhair, Ali Abdulzahra Mahdi

Clinical manifest of post COVID-19 syndrome on ocular surface and cornea

16-18 Abdullaev Shakhzodbek, Mamatkhujaeva Gulnara, Abdullaev Aybek

Therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration: updated review

19-22 Abdullaev Sh.O, Abdullaev A.K, Mamatkhujaeva G.N

A Natural Anthraquinone Plants with Multi- Pharmacological Activities

23-32 Dr. Khaled Taha Muhammed Abu Thaher

Assessment of Compassion Fatigue among Critical Care Nurses

33-43 Thoalfokar Mohammed Abdul Hussein, Dr. Jihad Jawad Kadhim

Role Of Factors of System of Oxide of Nitrogen in Dynamics of Formation at Experimental Animals of The Metabolic Syndrome


Optimization of the Results of Surgical Treatment of Parasagittal Meningiomas of the Brain

48-51 Davron Mavlonovich Ravshanov

Competition exercises and its impact on the development of speed endurance and dribbling that ends with accurate scoring and some offensive skills for young players in handball

52-61 Naktal Muzahem Khaleel , Wissam Mahdi Saleh , Songol Bilal Murad

Studying The Activity Of In Vitro Antiseptics Decasan, Furacillin and Chlorhexidine Bigluconate Against Hospital Strains of S. Aureus, E. Coli, Klebsiella Spp., P. Melaninogenica Separated from the Bed of the Soleus Muscle

62-67 Rakhimov Azizjon Yakhyoyevich

The Role of Doctor's Advice in the Process of Breastfeeding

68-70 Axmadjonova Zuxraxon Akmaljon qizi, Xolmatova Nurxon Olimovna

The Drug Alphakalcidol Effectiveness in Osteoporosis in Patients with Systemic Sclerodermia

71-75 Masuda.B Kasimova, Khulkar B.Makhamatkhojaeva, Shakhlo B.Kakhkharova, Mukhayyo. A. Akhmadjonova

Evaluation of Narcotics Prescribed in Surgery, a Descriptive Study in Kabul Afghanistan, 2022

76-80 Yassin Tawakuli, Rahim Nazari, Mohammad Rafie Rasoli, Murtaza Jafari, Friba Sultani

Ultra-Sonographic Cut-off points of Cervical lymph nodes size and shape index in Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

81-89 Ammar J. Sebahi , Fawaz Al-Aswad, Yasir H.Motlaq

Cataract and Glaucoma Patients Before and After Surgical Treatment


Hereditary Deficiency of Blood Coagulation Factor I - Afibrinogenemia, Clinical Observation Medical Center of Hematology of the Ministry of Health of The Republic of Uzbekistan.

92-95 Juraeva Nodira Tukhtapulatovna, Mahmudova Aziza Dzhumanovna, Ismoilova Zulfiya Abdufattokhovna

Features Clinical Course of Meigs Synrome and Treatment in Surgery

96-98 Suyunov Dilmurod Muminovich., Pakirdinov Alisher Saifitdinovich,, Abdukadirov Dilmurod Anvarovich

Main features and location of the spinal cord

99-103 Madaminova Mahfuza Abduvali qizi

Peculiarities of Clinical Course Without Several Form of Epileptic Encephalopathy in Preschool Children

104-107 Vafoeva G.R., Saidkhodzhaeva S.N.