Published: May 13, 2022

Effect of Derivatives of Glycyrrhetic Acid on The Intensity of Free Radical Processes During Immobilization Stress

1-5 Khakimov Z.Z, Dzhanaev G.Yu, Mamadzhanova M.A, Mustanov T.B, Kholmatov Zh.A

Influence Of The Water Factor On Diseases Of The Locomotor System

6-9 PhD Niyazmetov Murodbek Ataboevich, Abduulloev Abdurakhmonkhzha Aslamovich.

Optimization of Anesthesiological Approach for Recurrent Ventral Hernia in Obesity Patients

10-14 Giyosov N.Kh., Kurbonov N., Rakhmatov F.I. Assoc., Pardaev Sh.K.,, Khamdamova E.Kh, Matlubov M.M.

Strengthening our Women's Health Activities on the Basis of Sports Activities

15-17 С.Т.Неъматов

Medicinal properties of pomegranate

18-21 Boriyev Hakim Avazivich

Additional Criteria For Assessing the Effectiveness of Anesthesia in the Process of RPO (Reconstructive Plastic Surgery) In Patients with Post-Burning Contractures of the Face, Neck and Chest

22-27 Sadikova Minura Adkhamovna

The most common anatomical sites exposing to sports injuries among the students of volleyball course at Mu'tah university

28-34 Prof. Motasim Mahmoud Shatnawi, Dr. Osama Ali Al-Hasanat, Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Saeedin, Dr. Faisal Al-Habashneh

The Common Sports Injuries among the Female Students in the Directorate of Education in Al-Karak Governorate in the South of Jordan

35-43 Prof. Dunya Mahmoud Al-Asasfeh

Principles of Organization and Operation of the School Dentistry Room in Modern Conditions

44-46 Zhuraeva Zilola Akobirovna, Rakhimberdiev Rustam Abdunosirovich

The most common anatomical sites exposing to sports injuries among the students of volleyball course at Mu'tah university

47-53 Prof. Motasim Mahmoud Shatnawi, Dr. Osama Ali Al-Hasanat, Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Saeedin, Dr. Faisal Al-Habashneh

The Common Sports Injuries among the Female Students in the Directorate of Education in Al-Karak Governorate in the South of Jordan

54-62 Prof. Dunya Mahmoud Al-Asasfeh

Drugs Run In The Body Effects On Biochemical Processes

63-65 Oblokulov Shavkat Shaimovich

Full information concerning vitiligo that causes cosmetological problems

66-68 Marasulova Madinabonu daughter of Arabboy, Mamatqulova Umida daughter of Mamaruzi, G'ofurjonova Irodaxon daughter of Qobiljon

The Role of Dental Hygienist in the Implementation of A Program for the Prevention of Dental Diseases in Preschool Institutions

69-71 Turavi Dilnoza Jo’rabek, Rakhimberdiev Rustam Abdunosirovich

Measurement of blood sugar and liver and kidney functions for newborns of diabetic pregnant famale mice fed therapeutic dairy

72-83 Ruaa Abbas Abd_AL_Razuq, Feryal F. Hussein, Ahmed I. Al-Nazzal

Application of Improved Methods for the Treatment of Vental Hernias


The role of endovideolaparoscopic technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal diseases in young infants

86-91 Berdiev E.A, Salimov Sh.T, Abdusamatov. B.Z, Ollanazarov J.A, Ochilov R.O

Optimization of Surgical Management in Postoperative Bile Leakage and Bilic Peritonitis After Cholecystectomy

92-95 Arziev Ismoil Alievich, Kurbaniyazov Zafar Babazhanovich, Sayinaev Farrukh Karamatovich , Baratov Manon Bakhramovich, Nazarov Zokir Norzhigitovich

Assessment of Quality of Life During Orthopedic Treatment of Patients with Diseases of the Mucosa of the Oral Cavity

96-100 Jumaev Akbar Hamidovich, Saidov Akbar Ahadovich

Complex Surgical Treatment of an Open Fracture of the Distal End of the Shin Bones (Literature Review)

101-106 Eldor M. Khamdamov, Shavkat N. Ravshanov

Changes in the Production of Certain Proinflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Various Variants of Coronary Heart Disease

107-109 Mirzo K. Mirzaev, Aziz X. Urokov, Eleanora N. Tashkenbaeva

The Use of Advantan in the Local Treatment of Genital Herpes

110-112 Islamov Nurali Hikmatovich, Ermanov Russtam Temirovich, Najimov Shoxboz Raximjon o’g’li

Applications of Elidel for Lichen Plane

113-115 Islamov Nurali Hikmatovich, Jalilov Asliddin Xolmatovich, Achilova Feruza Axtamovna

Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Cerebral Stroke in Uzbekistan According to the Stroke Registry in Tashkent and Andijan Cities

116-125 Rasulova Khurshidakhon Abduborievna, Nishonov Shohidbek Yusufjonovich

Prostatitis with Chlamydia Infection

126-128 Oripov Rustam Anvarovich

Acne in Allergic Skin Diseases

129-131 Leila Khakimova, Dilshoda Abdukhamidova, Makhbuba Akhmedova, Munisa Ablakulova

Topical Treatment of Children with Atopic Dermatitis

132-134 Tillakobilov Ismoil Baxadirovich

Pimikralimus in the Treatment of Adopic Dermatitis

135-136 Salamova Lola Abdurahimovna

A New Look at the Course of Syphilis

137-139 Baratova Mavjuda Rayimovna

ION Channels in Smooth Muscle Cells and Their Role in Physiological Functions

140-142 Yoqubova Nargiza Abdurasul kizi , Chuliyev Ikrom Ne’matullayevich

Acquired Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction in Children

143-147 Nuritov Nurpullo Rajabovich, Karimova Zevara Hojibayevna