In the paper, the catalytic effect of previously deposited copper oxide film on nitriding process is described. Mechanisms of iron nitriding intensification are discussed: ammonia dissociation, nitrogen ions adsorption at metal surface, and nitrides formation acceleration. Microstructure of nitrided layers in Armcoiron and in high-chromium steel is examined. It was shown the increase of abrasive wear resistance of nitrided 20Cr13 steel.
chromium steel
catalytic effect
nitrided layer

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How to Cite
Larisa Petrova, Alexander Malakhov, Peter Demin, Khushnuda Sharifhodgaeva, & Nodirjon Tursunov. (2022). Catalytic nitriding of steel components operating in difficult conditions of hydro-abrasive wear. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 8, 267–274. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/1839
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