In article are brought methods of the calculation main and differential dissipation of the inductances, which allows to take into account all factors, influencing upon inductances, except influences of unevenness of the air clearance between steel still part and rotor and демпфирующего influences current, directed in secondary sidebar by fields high spatial harmonic, created by winding статора machines of alternating current. The Proposed methods of the calculation is founded on models of the field of the air clearance of the electric machine of alternating current.
Differential dissipation of the inductances
steel still part
air clearance
energy and harmonic analysis

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How to Cite
Mustafakulova Gulzoda Narkabilovna, & Askarov Elmurod Pulatzhan ugli. (2021). The Analysis Main and Differential Dissipation of The Inductances Windings Stator an Energy Method. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1, 191–194. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/134
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