Information about the origin of the term Movarounnahr and what it means, as well as the role of Qutayba ibn Muslim in the introduction of Islam to Movarounnahr and the views of the great scholars who grew up in Movarounnahr are widely covered.

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Mirzaniyaz Rajabi Hamidzoda. (2021). The socio-political situation in Movarounnahr and the entry and spread of the science of hadith in this land, the first hadith scholars. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1, 168–172. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/118
- Ahnaf ibn Qays ibn Muawiya (v. 67, 71 or 72/686, 690 or 691). His real name was Zahhok. He was called Ahnaf (lame) because his leg was lame. He was a Muslim during the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and 'Umar sent him to Khurasan (Shamsuddin al-Dhahabi. Siyar al-Alam an-Nubala. J.10. .
- Ibn Jarir Tabari. History at-Tabari. - Riyadh: Bayt al-Afkar ad-Dawliya, 2005. - P. 695.
- Usmonxon Alimov. Development of theology in Samarkand in IX-XI centuries. - T .: Mutarjim, 2007. - P. 53.
- D.Rahimjonov, D.Muratov. Text of lectures on hadith studies. - T .: Tashkent Islamic University Publishing House, 2010. - P. 22.
- Ibn Jarir Tabari. History at-Tabari. - Riyadh: Bayt al-Afkar ad-Dawliya, 2005. - P. 695.
- These areas were called Sogdiana in ancient times. This name was given by Alexander the Great. Before the advent of Islam, it was called Turan. Then the term Movarounnahr appeared. "Movarounnahr" means the area between the Amudarya and Syrdarya. In the 19th century, these areas came to be known as Turkestan.
- The scholar and writer Abu Bakr or Ablu Hasan Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Jabir ibn Dawud Baghdadi Balozuri (d. 279/892) was a famous Muslim historian who was born in the late 2nd century AH. is considered the author (Abul Hasan Balozuriy. Futuh al-Buldan. - Beirut: Dar al-al-host 6, 1991. - B., 10; Shams al-graded. a'lam biography, al-nubala. J.10 . - Bayrut: Dar al-fikr, 1991. - P. 538-539).
- Abul Hasan Balozuri. Futuh al-Buldon. - Bayrut: Dar al-kutub al-ilmiya, 1991. - P. 399.
- Ibn Jarir at-Tabari. History at-Tabari. - Riyadh: Bayt al-Afkar ad-Dawliya, 2005. - P. 1226.
- Abul Hasan Balozuri. Futuh al-Buldon. - Bayrut: Dar al-kutub al-ilmiya, 1991. - P. 398–399; Muhammad Rizo. Usman ibn Affon. - Beirut: Al-maktaba al-asriya, 2003. - P. 71.
- Ahmad Roif. Atlas history al-islam. - Cairo: Dar az-zahro li al-i'lam al-arabiy, 1987. B. - 131.
- Abul Qasim Zahhak ibn Muzahim Hilali was a native of Balkh. He visited Balkh, Merv, Bukhara and Samarkand. He was not in the conversation of the Companions, but he met Said ibn Jubayr, one of the Tabein, in the city of Ray and learned the science of tafsir from him. Zahhak died in 105 AH (723 AD) (Abu Hatim Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Hibban al-Busti. Mashahir ulama al-amsar. - Beirut: Dar al-kutub al-ilmiya, 1995. - P. 227).
- Ahmad Roif. Atlas history al-islam. - Cairo: Dar az-zahro li al-i'lam al-arabiy, 1987. B. - 131.
- Hayruddin Zirikliy. Alam. J. 5. - Bayrut: Dar al-ilm li al-malayin, 1998. - P. 189-190; Dr. Shavqi Abu Khalil. Fath Samarkand. - Beirut: Dar al-fikr al-mu'asir, 2004. - P. 96.
- Shamsuddin Zahabi. Siyar a'lam an-nubala. J.9. - Bayrut: Dar al-fikr, 1991. - P. 272.
- In Islamic teachings, the term "Mawla" is used in two different senses. The first applies to the person who freed the slave, and the second meaning applies to the person who caused someone to become a Muslim. The second meaning is implied here (Dr. Taqiyuddin an-Nadawi al-Muzahiri. Al-Imam al-Bukhari. - Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 1994. - P. 20).
- Stars of Spirituality. M.Xayrullayev. - T .: Abdulla Qodiri National Heritage Publishing House, 2001. - P. 28.
- See the same work. - B. 43.
- D.Rahimjonov, D.Muratov. Text of lectures on hadith studies. - T .: Tashkent Islamic University Publishing House, 2010. - P. 22.
- Usmonxon Alimov. Development of theology in Samarkand in IX-XI centuries. - T .: Mutarjim, 2007. - P. 53.