Soil salinization in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya remains the main problem of irrigated agriculture in Karakalpakstan. Measures to combat them, such as leaching irrigation, do not give a significant effect. The established shortage of irrigation water in recent years threatens the loss of Karakalpakstan's status of the Irrigated Agriculture Zone.
soil salinization
water mineralization
leaching regime

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How to Cite
Djumanazarova Altingul Tengelovna, Tolepova Sharigul Baltamuratovna, & Jumatova Rano Maksetovna. (2023). Saltination of Soils in the Lower Reaches of the Amu DaryaThe Main Problem of Irrigated Agriculture. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 17, 114–118. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs/article/view/4191
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- Djumanazarova A.T. Genzhemuratov A., Dzhumamuratov D. Changing the regime and the use of fresh groundwater in the southern Aral region. Breeding, seed production, technology, cultivation and processing of agricultural crops / Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference 26-27.08. 2021 Krasnodar, 2021, pp. 249-253 DOI:10.33775/conf-2021-249-253
- Djumanazarova A.T., Zhaksylykova G. Important environmental aspects of the South Aral Sea. International scientific journal Internauka. No. 20 (243) DOI articles: 10.32743/26870142.2022.20.243.341007 https://www.internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/243/341007
- Tolepova Sh.B., Djumanazarova A.T. Dynamics of drainage flow volumes in conditions of insufficient water supply in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. “Innovative developments and research in education", ISOC - International scientific online conference, (20th June, 2022) - Canada, Ottawa : "CESS", 2022. Part 80-85 p.
- Djumanazarova A.T., Tolepova Sh.B., Basic principles of regulation of the water-salt regime of irrigated soils of Karakalpakstan in the justification of drainage. “Scientific Approach to the modern education system”, ISOC - International scientific online conference, (28th June, 2022) – France, Paris: "CESS", 2022. Part. 230–237 p.
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- https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6782763
- https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/journal/issue?issueId=all&journalId=123131