Published: Mar 8, 2024

Disturbance in the Composition of the Intestinal Microflora in the Mechanisms of the Formation of Clinical Manifestations in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis

1-6 Temirova M.B, Axmedova N.A, Kasimova M.B

The Effect of Android-Based Smoking Cessation Education to Improve the Level of Knowledge, Attitude, And Smoking Behavior Among Adolescents in Pamulang, South Tangerang Indonesia

7-12 Ida Listiana, Musheer Abdulwahid Abdo Aljaberi, Faridah Mohd Said, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah

The Role of Latin in Medicine

13-14 Mukhamedova F.R.

Assessment of clinical functional changes and quality of life in bronchial asthma

15-18 Salayeva Muborak Saidobdullayevna, Po’latova Niginabonu O’tkir qizi, Po’latov O’ktamjon O’tkir o’g’li, Melibayeva Jasmina Ikromjon qizi, Turgunova Charosxon A’zamjon qizi

The Role of Micronutrients in The Nutrition of School Children

19-22 Berdalieva Umida Abdujalil's Qizi

Comparison of Letrozole vs Clomiphene Citrate for induction of ovulation in polycystic ovarian syndromeAn Iraqi study

23-39 Dr. Sama Mohammed Ali, Dr. INAS FADHIL ABDULHUSSEIN, Dr. Suhair Neima Kazom

Radiological Aspects of Temporo-Mandibular Joint Osteoarthritis

40-48 Khaydarova Guzal Bagiddinovna

A pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci: highresolution computed tomography features at stages of process development

49-53 Nizamova Madina Mirgabtizyanovna, Borodavko Tatyana Gennadievna, Kozivko Sergey Sergeyevich

Features Of Helminth Infections In Clinical Pediatrics: Issues Of Diagnosis, Therapy, Prevention

54-56 Makhpieva Guldonakhon Kobiljanovna

Energy Tropic Therapy in Modern Pediatrics

57-59 Kodirov Khusan Solievich

Some Aspects Of Acute Bronchitis In Children

60-62 Turakulova Khilola Erkinovna

Pediatrician Tactics In The Treatment Of Acute Gastroenteritis In Children

63-65 Arzibekov Abdikadir Gulyamovich

Hygienic Assessment Of The Class Of Working Conditions According To The Chemical Factor In The Production Of Polyethylene Products

66-70 Jamshid A Kutliev, Abbos A Rustamov, Akram S Khushvaktov, Dilafruz, F Aripova

Varicose Eczema: Current State of The Problem

71-73 Abdurakhmanov Akhrorbek Avazbek ugli

Development Of an Automated Workstation for A Specialist in Dermatovenerology

74-76 Mominov Murodjon Mansuridinovich

Methylation reactions of quinazolin-4-thione

77-79 Nazira Boliqul qizi Juraqulova, F.E.Saitkulov, B.J.Elmuradov

Remedying The Consequences of Burn Injuries to The Upper Limbs


Features Of Anthropometric Indicators of The Spine and Body Mass Index in Children 4-7 Years Old Residing In The City Of Shirin And In Bayaut District Of Sirdarya Region

84-86 Mamatkulov Jaloliddin Gulom ogli

Risk Factors and Manifestations of Food Allergy in Young Children

87-89 Khasanova Gulhayo Saipidin kizi