

By-products are internal organs and body parts obtained during the processing of farm animals. Depending on the type of animal, it is divided into by-products from cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. Depending on the use, by-products are divided into consumable and used for technical needs. Technical byproducts include: reproductive organs, skin, horns, wool. Consumed by-products include meat products, important in human life. By-products are perishable, so they must be processed quickly, within 3 hours. Our article describes the production of additional products.


Skin intestines wool kidneys


How to Cite
Xolmuratov Asror. (2024). Technology Of Primary Processing Of Livestock Supplements. Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology, 33, 1–3. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjet/article/view/5345


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