

In the southern parts of Surkhandarya region, a comprehensive study of the complex of nematode fauna of grain crops, including corn, and the identification of disease-causing species, the fight against parasitic species in increasing the yield of corn the basis of these data measure is the development of measures


Nematodafauna saynxorst metodi Merlinius dubius Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus


How to Cite
Iskandarova Nilufar Ergashevna, Iskandarova Irodaxon Ergashevna, & Asallayev Uktam Hayriddinovich. (2021). Faunist Analysis of Phytonematodes of Corn Plant in The Southern Territory of Surkhandara Region. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 1, 4–6. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs/article/view/500


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