

The article discusses the problem of the defeat of the grapevine by a widespread disease - an mildew and oidium disease/ as measures to combat this disease, the use of fungicide vi starstop 32.5% c.c. is recommended with a flow rate of 0.5 l/ha. Before the experiment, the leaves were affected by an average of 9.6-9.8%. the biological efficacy of suppressing the disease on leaves on day 88.8-87.8%, on day 88.2- 89.5%, then on day 45 decreased to 88.4-88.9%.


grapevine disease mildew and oidium effectiveness


How to Cite
S.B. Utaganov B.B. Sobirov, Z.B. Tuygunov, & R.Z. Ruziev. (2023). Application Of Fungicide Vi Star stop 32.5% K.S. Against Mildew and Oidium on The Grapevine. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 20, 29–32. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs/article/view/4435


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