The purpose of the research is to measure the role of environmental sensing processes in achieving strategic lightness, based on the descriptive-analytical approach, as the intellectual and philosophical framework for this research was formed through the interaction of two variables (environmental sensing, strategic lightness), and to understand and clarify this framework, the essential dimensions of sensing were adopted. The environment is represented by survey, monitoring, forecasting, evaluation. As for the dimensions of strategic lightness, it was embodied in strategic sensitivity, strategic response, and strategic capabilities. A sample of (82) employees of the South Oil Company was surveyed, and this research sought to answer several questions from During the presentation of the theoretical philosophy and the intellectual implications of these variables, this is in addition to what was reached through the field side of the research in which it was relied on to design a questionnaire form whose paragraphs fit with the nature of the research environment, which was represented in a sample of the workers of the South Oil Company, and the research came out with several conclusions In the light of which several recommendations were raised for the research sample company, and one of the most important conclusions reached by this research is that environmental sensing has an active role No, and a significant impact on achieving the company's strategic agility

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