

Currently, many patients experience problems such as a worried, confused, depressed heart and always want to get angry to the point of chronic pain that requires serious medical assistance. However, apart from medical assistance, people in their healing process also use spiritual healing as an alternative form of healing certain diseases. Healing spirituality is proven to be effective in influencing depression and other psychological. In this case, there is a level of heart management ability to reduce the level of depression in sufferers. The community's understanding of spiritual healing is more focused on serenity. From these factors, people try these practices in various ways according to the teachings and what they believe. Some people prefer alternative medicine with a spiritual approach in curing certain diseases, rather than taking a medical approach


Mental Disorders Spiritual Healing Ruqyah


How to Cite
Hadi Ismail, & Muhammad Azhiimi Rofi. (2024). Journal Efforts To Overcome Mental Disorders Patients With The Healing Spirituality Method Through Ruqyah Actions. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28, 13–20. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/zjssh/article/view/4939


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