

The following article provides a brief and theoretical look at the scientific literary works of two prominent representatives of Sufism, Said Burhaneddin Muhakkik Tirmizi and Jalal al-Din Rumi, as well as their relationship of mentors and proteges.


Relations Between Two Great Sages Philosophical Thoughts Of Said Burkhoniddin The Best Example Of A Teacher And Student Said Burkhon's Approach To The Study Of


How to Cite
Saidova Sayora Eshonkulovna. (2021). The Spiritual Relationship of Said Burkhoniddin Muhakkiki Tirmizi and Mavlono Jaloliddin Balkhi. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 99–101. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/zjssh/article/view/253


  1. Said Burhanuddin Tirmizi, researcher. Education. Based on research by Badeuzzamon Furuzonfar. –T: God, 1344–247 p.
  2. Mavlona Jaloliddin Balkhi. Masnavi ma`navi. According to the text, R. Nicholson also contrasts with other versions. -T: Publish time. 2001.728