The research studies the phenomenon of congratulations, a logical and analytical study. The research is divided into two sections. The first topic is "Congratulations in Islam" and the definition of "Congratulations" in language, terminology, etiquette, rules of congratulations, general words used in congratulations, and words synonymous with "Congratulations." With victories and social congratulations, including congratulations on the two holidays, congratulations on the newborn and circumcision, congratulations on marriage, congratulations on coming from travel, congratulations on recovery from diseases, congratulations on the new year, congratulations among the dhimmis in Andalusia, the effect of congratulations on the souls of the public, and the summary of the research

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- Ka'b bin Malik bin Al-Yaqin bin Ka'b Al-Ansari witnessed Al-Aqaba and left behind from Tabuk. For more, see Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani: Abu Al-Fadl Ahmed bin Ali Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Hajarat 852 AH, the injury distinguishes the companions, edited by Adel Ahmed Abd Al-Mawjud and Ali Muhammad Moawad, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiya, Beirut, 1415 AD C 5 / p. 610 0
- (2) Al-Nawawi: Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Sharaf bin Mary, Sahih Muslim with an explanation of Al-Nawawi, Dar Revival of Arab Heritage, Beirut, 2nd Edition, 1992, 17/p. 94 0
- (3) An-Nawawi: The same source, 17/p. 95 0
- (4) Al-Suyuti: Jalal al-Din, Wasul al-Amani Bi’l-Usul al-Tahani, Dar al-Akhbar edition, Rabat, 1st Edition, 1424, 173 0
- (5) Al-Baydhani: Sadiq Muhammad Salih, Rulings of Congratulation in Islam, a Modern Social Jurisprudential Study, Ph.D. Thesis, D-year, p. 40 0
- (6) Al-Baydani: Ibid., 50 0
- (7) Ibn Manzoor : Abu al-Fadl Jamal al-Din Hamad bin Karam T. 711 AH / 1311, Lisan al-Arab, Dar Sader, Beirut, 1st edition, Part 1/185 0
- (8) Al-Razi: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Abdul Qadir, Mukhtar Al-Sahah, Nah Mahmoud Khater, Lebanon Press, New Edition Publishers, 1995, 403
- (9) Al-Fayoumi: Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ali Al-Maqri , 770 AH / 1368 , Al-Misbah Al-Munir fi Arib Al-Sharh Al-Kabir by Al-Rafi’i, The Scientific Library, Beirut, DS, Part 2 / P. 382 0
- (10) Ibn Dawood: Suleiman Ibn al-Ash’ath Ibn Ishaq Ibn Bashir al-Azdi, Sunan Ibn Dawood, edited by Shuaib al-Arna’ut, Dar al-Risala al-‘Alamiyah, 2009 No. 4765 0
- (11) Ibn Katheer: Imad al-Din Abi al-Fada Ismael, d. 744 AH / 1372 AD, The Beginning and the End in History, Al-Sa`ada Press, Cairo, 1969, Part 12 / p. 117 0
- (12) Al-Tirmidhi : Abu Issa Muhammad bin Issa Abu Ja`fart 297 AH, Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, The Great Mosque, Center for Research and Information Technology, Dar Al-Taseel, Beirut, 1st edition, 2014 AD, No. 2738 0
- (13) Al-Baydani: Ibid., 50 0
- (14) Ibn Manzoor: Lisan Al - Arab , vol 29/366 0
- (15) Ibn Manzoor considers : same source C 4/61; Al-Fayoumi: The same source ,s 31 .
- (16) -Fayoumi: Al-Misbah Al- Munir , p 133 0
- (17) Abd al-Rahman Muhammed bin Abdullah assumed power when he reached maturity. He is called the Commander of the Faithful, and he is called the Helper of God’s Religion. For more, see Ibn Hazm: Abu Muhammad Ali Ibn Ahmad bin Saeed al-Andalusi, The Arab Genealogy Community, the Committee of Scholars, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut, 2003, p. 100.
- (18) Cordoba, the base of Andalusia, the mother of its cities, and the stable of the Umayyad caliphate, and their effects on it are the phenomenon, the virtues of Cordoba, and the merits of its successors, in which various good deeds multiply. , 121-122; Al-Himyari: Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Moneim, the description of the island of Andalusia, chosen from the book Al-Rawd Al-Matar in the news of the countries, Tahlaqi Provencal, Composing and Translation Committee Press, Cairo, 1937, pp. 153-154 0
- (19) He is al-Hakam ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir, nicknamed al-Mustansir. He assumed power in the year (350 AH) and was nicknamed Abu As. 1983, p. 15 0
- (20) Al-Hajji: Abdel-Rahman, Islamic Civilization in Andalusia, Dar Al-Rashad, Beirut, 1st edition, 1969 AD, pg. 66 0
- (21) Al-Humaidi: Jathwa Al-Muqtabas, p. 315 0
- (22) Al-Maqri: Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Tilmisani, Nafah al-Tayyib in the moist branch of Andalusia, edited by Muhammad Muhi al-Din Abd al-Hamid, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 1949, part 1 / p. 341 0
- (23) Ibn Daraj al-Qastali: The Divan of Ibn Daraj al-Qastali: Tah Mahmoud Makki, Islamic Office Publications, Damascus, 1961, p. 45 0
- (24) Hisham bin al-Hakam bin Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman bin Hisham bin Abd al-Rahman bin Muawiyah al-Mu’ayyad Billah bin al-Mustansir, the owner of al-Andalus, Ibn al-Khatib: Aamal al-I’lam, vol. 2/p. 44 0
- (25) Ibn al-Khatib: Abu Abdullah al-Talmisani, 776 AH / 1374 CE, the works of the media regarding those who sold before the dream from the kings of Islam, edited by Levi Provencal, 2nd edition, Religious Culture, Beirut, 1956, part 2 / p. 48-57; Ibn Adhari: Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Marrakshi, d. 712 AH / 1312 AD, al-Bayan al-Gharb fi Akhbar al-Andalus, T. S. Colan and Levi Povensal, Dar al-Thaqafa, Beirut, 1967, Part 2 / p. 249 0
- (26) Ibn Bassam: Abu Al-Hassan Ali Al-Shantarini, Al-Dhakhira fi Mahsin Ahl Al-Jazeera, edited by Ihsan Abbas, Dar Al-Thaqafa, Beirut, 1977 . Section 1/M1/Pg. 104; Ibn Adhari: Al-Bayan: Part 3/pg. 44; Ibn Al-Khatib: Amash for Al-Alam, vol. 3 / p. 91; Ibn Khaldun: Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad 808 AH, the history of Ibn Khaldun called al-Abr and the collection of the beginner and the news in the days of the Arabs, Persians and Berbers, and their contemporaries with the greatest authority, publications of the Al-Alamy Foundation for Publications, Beirut, 1971, vol. 4 / p. 148; Al-Maqri: Nafah al-Tayyib, vol. 1/pp. 424-425 0
- (27) Al-Musta'in Allah Abu Ayyub Suleiman Al-Musta'in By Allah (354 AH / 407 AH) , the tenth ruler and the fifth caliph of the Umayyad state in Andalusia. For more, see Anan: Muhammad Abdullah Anan, The State of Islam in Andalusia, Al-Khanji Library, Cairo, 1997, Part 1 / p. 659 0
- (28) Muhammad Ibn al-Musta’in Abu Ayyub, viewed by Anan: Ibid., Part 1/pg. 665 0
- (29) For more, see: Ibn Al-Khatib: Amal Al-Ilam, vol. 2/ p. 125; Al-Khalaf: Salem bin Abdullah, Systems of the Umayyad Rule and their Drawings in Andalusia, Islamic University Press, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 2006, p. 207 and beyond 0
- (30) Yusuf al-Awwal is most likely by God Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Muhammad bin Nasr bin Qais al-Khazraji Saad bin Ubadah (629-672 AH / 1232-1273 AD), the founder of the Nasrid state in Andalusia. For more, see Ibn Khaldun: History, vol. 4 / p. 171; Al-Maqri: Nafah al-Tayyib, vol. 1/p. 446 0
- (31) Al Lamha Al Badriya, pp. 46-94 0
- (32) Introduction: p. 209 0
- (33) Najjar: Laila Ahmed, Morocco and Andalusia in the era of Al-Mansur Al-Muwahdi, an unpublished doctoral dissertation, College of Sharia in Islamic Studies, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia, 1989, pg. 417 0
- (34) He is al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, the owner of Seville. For more, see Ibn al-Abar: Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr al-Qudha'i, Al-Hillah al-Sira', edited by Hussain Mu'nis, Dar al-Ma'arif, Cairo, 1st edition, 1963, vol.2/p.43 0
- (35) Seville : an ancient city in Andalusia, and it is the abode of the King and the capital of the Romans, Goths, and Muslims throughout history. It was conquered by the leader, Musa Ibn Nusayr. It is famous for its various agricultural goods, especially cotton. For more, see Al-Bakri: Abu Ubaid ( d . Al-Hajji, 1st edition, Al Rashad Publishing House, Beirut, 1968, pp . 107-116.
- * Al-Adfunsh: The name given by the Arabs to Alfonso VI, Ibn Fernando, born in the year 1030 AD, the owner of Toledo, the commander of the King of the Franks, who seized it after a severe siege in the year 478 AH. Edited by Yusuf Ali Tawil and Maryam Qassem Tawil, Dar al-Kutub, Beirut, 1998, Vol. 5/27, p. 0
- (36) Anonymous: Al-Halal Al-Mushiyah fi Al-Akhbar Al-Marrakishiyyah, edited by: Suhail Zakkar and Abdel-Qader Zamana, Dar Al-Rashad Al-Haditha, Casablanca, 1979, pp. 41-45; Ibn Adhari: Al-Bayan, vol. 4 / p. 140 0
- (37) Anonymous: Al-Halal Al-Mushiyah, p. 47; Adhari: Al-Bayan, vol. 4 / p. 141 0
- (38) Al-Bayan: Part 4 / p. 117 0
- (39) Al-Anis al-Mutreb in Rawd al-Qirtas in the news of the kings of Morocco on the history of the city of Fez, Dar al-Mansur for printing and paper, Rabat, 1972, p. 97 0
- (40) Almohads The establishment of the Almohad state in the sixth century AH at the hands of Ibn Tumart al-Mahdi, who was able to take over the rule of the Almohad state in the year 516 AH / 1122 AD after the elimination of the Almoravids, then Abdul-Mumin bin Ali, who was able to annex Andalusia in 541 AH / 1146 AD, took power and announced the emergence of a state that would organize Andalusia and Morocco. For more see Al-Baydaq: Abi Bakr Ibn Ali, News of Al-Mahdi Ibn Tumart and the Beginning of the Almohad State, Dar Al-Mansur, Rabat, 1971, p . 117.
- (41) Al-Mansur Al-Muwahdi is Abd al-Mu’min bin Makhlouf bin Ya’li bin Marwan bin Nasr bin Ali bin Amer bin Qais Ailan.
- (42) Al-Ark, which is the battle in which Al-Mansur Ya`qub ibn Yusuf ibn Abd al-Mu'min ibn Ali achieved victory over the owner of Castile during the reign of the Almohads.
- (43) Belimoud: Nasser and Karim Damdum, Social Life in Morocco and Andalusia during the Almohad era 541-667 AH / 1126-1268 AD) unpublished master's thesis, University of Akli Mohand Awal Hajj - Bouira, 2015, p. 40 0
- (44) The son of the owner of the prayer: Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad, History of the nation’s favor on the oppressed by making them imams and making them the inheritors, edited by Abd al-Hadi al-Tazi, Dar al-Hurriya for printing, Baghdad, 1978, pp. 114-115 0
- (45) Bani Ghaniya , the family of the Bani Ghaniya family, which goes back to its dean, Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Ali bin Ghaniya Al-Sahraoui, and he is from the Musoufa tribe, the second of the great Sanhaji tribes after the Lamtona tribe in eastern Algeria in Andalusia (Mallorca Island, Menorca and dry land) in the period between (520-633 AH). / 1126-1236 AD). And his family successively led the revolution against the Almohads for a century, and the Banu Ghania played a prominent political and military role in Morocco and Andalusia . Education, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 86-114 0
- (46) Bejaia, a great city on the sea, was built by the Sanhaja kings among the lofty mountains. It was surrounded by the sea on three sides, east, west and south. pp. 131-128-29 0