This article discusses the role and importance of the concept of continuous spiritual education in the lives of young people, work on its implementation. , The role of priority in the draft development strategy of the new Uzbekistan in continuous spiritual education.

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How to Cite
Rakhmatov Olim Bakhramovich, & Majitov Shokhjahon. (2022). Continuous Spiritual Education Is A Strong Foundation For The Establishment Of A Developed Generation. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 4, 118–123. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip/article/view/677
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- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Concept of continuous spiritual education and measures for its implementation" dated December 31, 2019 No 1059 https://www.lex.uz/ru / docs / -4676839
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