Training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with international standards is largely due to the stable development of professional education and training of pedagogical personnel. In turn, it is necessary to implement the educational process through the application of the akmeological approach to the development of autopedagogic competency(self-education, which includes the social and universal qualities of the teacher, professional and pedagogical qualities of the individual), which leads to the need to organize the educational process taking into account the requirements of the market economy, the introduction of This issue is important for the development of professional training, which in the future will become an important part of training specialists, studying them from a pedagogical point of view and educating a competent person in raising quality to a new level. The article presents the educational-methodological guidelines that will be used to improve autopedagogic competency, provide omillarni scientifictheoretical interpretation of their effectiveness, apply the proposed technologies of akmeological approach to solve the problems posed, develop effective methods and tools, improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process in professional education.

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