

This article is about the history of the writing of Khondamir's work "Makorim-ul Akhlaq", its content and the information about the great poet Mir Alisher Navoi.


tazkira manoqib prologue introduction


How to Cite
Rahimova Bahora Shuhratjon qizi. (2022). A Beautiful Image of Beautiful Characters. Texas Journal of Philology, Culture and History, 8, 5–8. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjpch/article/view/2142


  1. Ghiyasiddin Khondamir "Makorim ul-akhlaq" Tashkent, "Akademnashr" 2018.
  2. B. Ahmedov "In Memory of Navoi's Contemporaries" Tashkent, "Teacher" 1995.
  3. D. Yusupova "Khondamir's work" Oriental Studies 1st collection. Tashkent: Science, 1990.
  4. National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, twelve volumes, Tashkent: UZME State Scientific Publishing House, 2000-2006.
  5. Natan Mallayev "History of Uzbek literature" Kafolat print company publishing house Tashkent - 2021