The article discusses a comparative assessment of physique indicators among highly qualified athletes specializing in cyclic sports. Studies have shown that morphological characteristics that have prognostic significance at the initial stages of a long-term training process and retain their information content as the sports skills of athletes competing in cyclic sports increase include: body length and weight, chest circumference, length of the thigh, lower leg, muscle mass of the thigh and lower leg , and the somatotype that most corresponds to the needs of this specialization is the ectomesomorphic somatotype.
somatometric indicators
cyclic sports
ectomorphic and endomorphic components

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How to Cite
L.D. Seidalieva, & G.S. Avezova. (2024). Comparative Assessment Of Body Indicators For Highly Qualified Athletes Specializing In Cyclic Sports. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 29, 39–42. https://doi.org/10.62480/tjms.2024.vol29.pp39-42
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