Knowledge production within the field of business research is accelerating at a tremendous speed while at the same time remaining fragmented and interdisciplinary. This makes it hard to keep up with stateof-the-art and to be at the forefront of research, as well as to assess the collective evidence in a particular area of business research. This is why the literature review as a research method is more relevant than ever. Traditional literature reviews often lack thoroughness and rigor and are conducted ad hoc, rather than following a specific methodology
facilitating theory
effective in synthesizing
research background

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How to Cite
Murtazayeva Xadicha Nuriddinovna, & Allanazarova Saodat Togayevna. (2022). Building Research Plans Relating to Existing Knowledge. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 14, 62–63. https://doi.org/10.62480/tjms.2022.vol14.pp62-63
- D. Antons, C.F. Breidbac. Big data, big insights? Advancing service innovation and design with machine learning Journal of Service Research, 21 (2018), pp. 17-39.
- Baumeister and Leary, 1997. R.F. Baumeister, M.R. Leary. Writing narrative literature reviews. Review of General Psychology, 1 (1997), pp. 311-320.