

Explains the technological approach to the implementation of propaganda and counterpropaganda work among young people and the extent to which it has a positive impact on the minds of young people and the essence of the ongoing process of renewal in Uzbekistan; formation of devotion to our national customs and traditions; formation of social skills and competencies for high spirituality and enlightenment; teaching creativity, free and independent thinking; respect for the elderly, respect for the young, and the promotion of a culture of community control in the neighborhood


spirituality-enlightenment propaganda technology ideology


How to Cite
Pardayev Sobit Abduvali oglu. (2022). Technological Diversification In The Promotion And Counter-Propaganda Of Spiritual And Educational Work. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 4, 151–154. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/682


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