

In the years that followed, information protection problems attracted not only professionals but users of all computing techniques


computing information protection attracted


How to Cite
Suleymanova Dilfuza Vaxidovna, Kuldasheva Feruza Kurdashevna, & Khodjayeva Fotima Abduvaxabovna. (2022). Information And Crime. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 6, 333–334. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/1155


  1. Viruslar klassifikatsiyasi
  2. – network viruses.
  3. Viruses can be divided into the following groups: – file viruses damage [COM, EXE, and DLL]; – boot-viruses [initial floppy loading sectors (or MBR – Master Boot Record) damage the loading area of the hard disk]; – macroviruses;
  4. File viruses are the most common viruses on computers.
  5. This category of computer viruses is highly resistant and becomes a real epidemic if no timely precaution is taken