Published: Feb 6, 2023

The Role of Endometriosis in the Development of Complicated Pregnancy and Delivery

1-4 Madolimova N. Kh, Saidjalilova D. D, Ayupova D. A, Khodjaeva D. N

Clinical Features of the Course of Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis Combined with Bronchial Asthma and the Effects of Various Modes of Complex Therapy

5-9 Rizaev Zh.A, Makhkamova O.A, Rakhimova D.A

The Role of Socioeconomic Status in the Development of Arterial Hypertension in HIV-Infected Population

10-11 Alibekov Sherzodbek Ozodbekovich, Salokhiddinov Zuhriddin Salakhiddinovich, Mamasoliyev N.S., Maqsumova D.K.

Сliniсаl Сlаssifiсаtiоn оf Livеr Fаilurе

12-14 Assoc. M.M. Ikramova, prof. Q.T. Tojiboev, teacher I.A. Kasimova

The History of Helminths, Helminthology and the Discoveries of Scientists Who Have Done Scientific Research with This Disease

15-17 Nurislomova Latofatoy Fazliddin Qizi

Features of the Criminal Legislation of Some Foreign Countries in the Protection of Persons from Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV Infection

21-24 Narzilloev Farhod Nasiloevich

Management of the Reatening Preterm Birth

25-38 Shavazi Nargiz Nuralievna, Akhtamova Nilufar Akbarjonovna, Rayimjanova Nazokat Farkhodovna

Immunological and Molecular Evaluation of IL-5 in Asthma Patients

39-45 Baraa Jawad Kadhim, Assist. Prof. Mohammad Reza Khakzad, Assist. Prof. Jenna Khayat Zadeh

Prevalence and Pattern of Skin Disorder among Primaryschool Children in Wasit Governorate, Iraq, 2021

46-50 Dr. Basim Abdulrazzaq Abood Algharbawi, Dr. Sundus Jaafar Mahmood Ai Baraznchi, Dr. Jawad Kadhim Mahdi Al-Mnehil

The impact of rheumatic diseases in Iraq on pregnant women whose ages range from (25-35 years)

51-58 Dr. Ruaa Abdulelah Mohammed Oleiwi, Dr. Nibras Shaheed Noori, Dr. Rasha Abdul-Ridha Musa

Pathological manifestation of Covid-19 in the oral cavity and the role of saliva in the spread of the virus

58-62 Zeynitdinova Ziyoda Askarovna

Sexual Dysfunction in Women Suffering from Gynecological Diseases

63-66 Nasimova Nigina Rustamovna, Jalalova Iroda Abduzhabborovna, Shamsieva Malika Shuxratovna

Pharmacotherapy of Gastropathy (Literature Review)

67-76 Djanaev G.Yu, Khudayberdiev Kh.I, Askarov O.O, Sultanov S.A

Electrophysiology study in patients with supraventricular tachycardia

77-84 Dr. Masaud Kakahmad Muhammad, Dr. Ahmed Shnyain Ali, Dr. Mohammed Hashim Hussein Almyahi

Surgical Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis After failure of Conservative Treatment

85-92 Dr. Ammar khayoon Jarallah Alkinany, Dr. Burhanadeen Abdulazez Jabbar Alabudi, Dr. Hassan Ali Shamkhie Aljanabi

A study of the results related to the effect of FICB with LMA on femoral fracture surgery in primary and middle school children in Iraq

93-100 Dr. Abdulameer Jabbar Zamil, Dr. Hanan Oudah Yasir, Dr. Hind Saadi Jasim, Dr. Ali Qais Abdulkafi, Dr. Ali Tariq Thanoon Yahya

Assessment of Thermal Comfort in Hospital Rooms and Health Status of Patients

101-107 Comfort Peter Udobang, PhD, Dr Etini Aniekan Otumo