The main function of graphics processors since their inception has been graphics processing. Subsequently, after it became possible to program the processing of model vertices and pixels of rendered three-dimensional scenes using special programs, the architecture of graphic processors changed significantly. After the advent of the first general-purpose programmable graphics processors, it became possible to process commands not only for graphic data in vector form, but also to perform ordinary calculations for arbitrary data on a variety of special cores, while implementing data parallelism. Therefore, Graphics Processing Units show high efficiency rates when parallelizing programs that process a lot of data of the same type. Such programs include shaders: a vertex shader processes 3D vertices with different parameters, a pixel shader processes 2D pixels on the screen using interpolated data. Even before the advent of general-purpose kernels, there were attempts to simulate the processing of arbitrary data of the same type written into textures using pixel shaders, which, of course, gave a performance boost compared to the CPU. To develop an abstract model of the GPU, consider the general structure of modern GPUs, as well as models designed for their programming

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