The issue of crushing and collecting waste is very important, firstly, it will reduce the number of vehicles involved in the collection and transportation of solid waste and save fuel and lubricants, and waste collection and transportation will be energy efficient, and secondly, land allocated for waste storage saves resources. In addition, it will be possible to separate useful components for further use in the crushing and recycling of solid waste.
solid waste

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How to Cite
Tursunov Shavkat Serabovich. (2022). Mechanisms For Determining The Parameters Of The Grinder. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5, 321–323. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/908
- Отабек Абдукаримович Мирзаев, Шавкат Серабович Турсунов // Теоретическая обоснования деформированного состояния оболочки питающего цилиндра прядильных машин // Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences // 2021. 1092-1103 https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/teoreticheskaya-obosnovaniya deformirovannogo -sostoyaniya-obolochki-pitayuschego-tsilindra-pryadilnyh-mashin
- T Khankelov, S Tursunov, Z Maksudov // Domestic Solid Waste Crusher // International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation 24 (issue 07), 8090-8096 psychosocial.com/articlecategory/ issue https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR270784/18957/
- Tavbay Khankelov1, Zokir Maksudov1*, Nafisa Mukhamedova1 and Shavkat Tursunov2 // Crushing and screening complex for the production of compost from organic components of municipal solid waste // Interaction of Materials Resistance Science With Other General- Military Disciplines In Engineering Specialties // 2021. https://www.e3sconferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2021/40/e3sconf_conmechydro2021_01026/e3sconf_conmechydro2021_01026.html
- Oliya Nurova Salomovna1, Asror Nazarov Allanazarovich2, Tursunov Shavkat Serabovich // Interaction of Materials Resistance Science With Other General-Military Disciplines In Engineering Specialties // https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/5911
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- Nazarov Asror Allanazarovich, Raximov Jura Suyunovich, Radjabov Mansur Rustamovich, Tursunov Shavkat Serabovich, Sharipov Shuhrat Pulatovich // COMPLETION OF THE COURSE PROJECT ON THE SUBJECT " MACHINE DETAILS" // Vol. 12 No. 10 (2021) // https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/article/view/7407
- Abdimuminov Erkin Fayziyevich Nazarov Asror Allanazarovich Quziyev NodirMurodullayevich Tursunov Shavkat Serabovich Mustapaqulov Sodiq Ungiboyevich Hamroyeva Lola Shaykulovna // The Theory of the Development of Innovative Engineering Activities // ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 9 | Pages: 5872- 5878 // http://thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/7632.