The article covers analysis of the force interaction of knife and material being cut; the components of cutting force on the main operating elements of cutting tool are obtained. The mathematical analysis of the value of “clean” cutting component is given, and the cutting ability of the blade with purpose of improving the cut quality is determined.
cutting mode
deformation of half-finished product
material compression

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How to Cite
Urinov Nasillo Fayzilloevich, Amonov Mahmud Idris ugli, Sokhibov Ibodullo Adizmurodovich, & Sayliev Ismat Ismatovich. (2022). Study Of the Movable Working Bodies of Cutting Machines on Their Effect on The Food Semi-Finished Product. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5, 136–142. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/799
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