It is obvious that in today's global village relations across the boundaries have been strengthened which results in immigration and emigration of Uzbek citizens for employment, educational and other purposes. Uzbek diaspora plays a critical role in the welfare of Uzbek citizens living in foreign countries. Lots of importance have been placed on the issue to establish a close network of compatriots and support them practically. The following article is devoted to the practices of Uzbek diaspora worldwide.
labor migrant
bilateral relations

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How to Cite
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- Vielmini, F. 03.02.2021, “Uzbek Communities in Central Asia as Human Connectivity Factor: Elements for a Kin-State Policy”, Istituto Per Gli Studi Di Politica Internazionale, https://www.ispionline.it/it/pubblicazione/uzbek-communities-central-asia-human-connectivity-factor-elements-kin-state-policy-29131?fbclid=IwAR03GsgVYUXaqmS0cSpnWK12IRu4IIecpIaPCE6POhvpWzoEWGPjl8529Rk