Experimental maternal diabetes mellitus causes inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the vasculartissue structures of the stomach wall and liver of offspring. Morphofunctional disorders of intra-organ vessels of the microcirculatory bed of the organs play a significant role in developing the established pathomorphological disorders of postnatal development of vascular-tissue structures of the stomach and liver in offspring. These disorders then disrupt the trophics of tissue structures and cause dystrophic and degenerative changes
experimental diabetes mellitus in mother
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How to Cite
M.P Abdaliyeva, E.K. Kalmurzayev, D.B. Adilbekova, & H.S. Abdurazakhov. (2024). Early postnatal morphologic state of the stomach and liver of offspring under conditions of experimental maternal diabetes mellitus. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 38, 1–4. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/5638
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