

As we study the history of Mirzachul, the launch of various irrigation networks, canals, water reservoirs, etc., became extremely important for its irrigation and development. V. I. Masalsky in his work "Land of Turkistan" published in 1913, he said: "During our rule in Central Asia, we did a lot of work in the country, but as fate would have it, we did not do anything in the area of the country's main need, that is, in the area of appropriating new lands, regulating the use of water by law, and increasing the cultivated areas. Despite the great importance of irrigation in Central Asia, we have done almost nothing in Turkestan, except for the work done by the state to irrigate the Murgob rivers and the fact that Romanov irrigated several thousand acres of land. is lying down"1


Water use irrigation networks


How to Cite
Abdurasul Boltaev. (2024). History of Construction of Artificial Irrigation Networks in Mirzachul. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 30, 10–14. https://doi.org/10.62480/tjms.2024.vol30.5109.pp10-14


  1. V.I. Massalsky. Turkestan region. St. Petersburg, -1913.
  2. Voeikov A.I. Cotton growing in the Turkestan region and the conditions for its development. St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 13.
  3. Hungry Steppe (1867-1917) History of the region in documents. M.: Nauka, -1981. p.116.
  4. MDA.Uzb. Zh.I.-7, R-1, SB-4825, V-118-123 vol.
  5. UZ MDA, J.-29, List 3, Case 116, p. 257.
  6. UZ MDA, f.r.25, list 1, case 859, p. 153.
  7. Syrdarya region. State Archives, J.-83, List 1, Case 117, pages 17-18.
  8. H. Toirov. Mastering Mirzachol. T., -1984, p. 34.
  9. S.A. Nishonov. Jizzakh region. T., -1980, pages 16-17.
  10. Science and Life, 1986, No. 2, pp. 6-9
  11. “Srednazhydrovodkhlopok”, Scheme of irrigation and land development of the Jizzakh massif of the Hungry Steppe of Uzbekistan. Volume-1, II, III, IV T., 1965.
  12. Science and life, 1986, №2, pages 6-9