The article covers the method for determining linear velocities and accelerations of individual points and angular velocities and accelerations of links for mechanisms with lower kinematic couples, which are widely used in many industry branches due to reliability, technological effectiveness and ability to transmit great loads.
linear velocities
lever mechanism
kinematic problems
kinematic studies

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How to Cite
Shodiyev Ziyodullo Ochilovich, Dustkarayev Nortayloq Abdug’aniyevich, Shodiyev Sadir Ne’matovich, & Shodiyev Ne’matjon Sadirovich. (2021). Methods Of Kinematic Study of Flat Base Mechanisms. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3, 208–214. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/477
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