This study aims to obtain data on overt bullying of students of the Unisri FKIP Guidance and Counseling Study Program for the 2022/2023 Academic Year before being given group guidance using the Teras Philosophy approach and to test the effectiveness of group guidance services using the Teras Philosophy approach in reducing student overt bullying. Pre-experimental pre-test post-test design is a research method in this study. While the data analysis technique uses the Paired Simple test. The calculation of the average percentage of overt bullying before receiving group guidance services with the core philosophy is included in the high category, namely 72.83%. Experienced a decrease in the average percentage of overt bullying after being given group guidance services with the core philosophy of six meetings, which decreased to 46.38%, including the low category. The output of this research is the publication of research results in international journals and publications at the Refanas scientific meeting. This is basic research that produces basic principles of technology, concept formulation and application of technology, to proof of research concepts with TKT 3 indicators.

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