This paper discusses the creation of an automated process control system (APCS), which allows you to monitor the land reclamation condition and high-quality water supply for agricultural and domestic needs, with minimal operating costs. This system helps to improve the performance of irrigation and water supply canals, increase their productivity and reliability
irrigation and water supply canals
water supply facility
APCS architecture

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How to Cite
Rakhmatov Doniyor Khudayorovich, Makhkamov Bakhrom Azimzhonovich, Olimbaev Otajon Azamat ugli, & Rakhmatova Durdonakhon Khudayor qizi. (2021). Irrigation Channel Automatic Control System. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3, 5–7. Retrieved from https://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm/article/view/347
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